Coffee review

Differences in aroma characteristics among heavy carbon roasted Tieguanyin, medium carbon baked Tieguanyin and light carbon baked Tieguanyin

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Now this batch of tea is so delicious! Very good, clean Tieguanyin taste: better than last year's tea. I feel that the clear longan wood is the main tone. Light sweet, with a hint of mint, with cantaloupe taste in the aftertaste. This is the high fire Tieguanyin made by one of the oldest tea companies in Hong Kong. I buy weapons from this company.

Now this batch of tea is so delicious! Very good, clean Tieguanyin taste: better than last year's tea. I feel that the clear longan wood is the main tone. Light sweet, with a hint of mint, with cantaloupe taste in the aftertaste. This is the high fire Tieguanyin made by one of the oldest tea companies in Hong Kong. I have been buying Wuyi tea from this company for many years, but I never wanted to try their Tieguanyin. Until the end of last year, I found that they had four grades. I decided to try their best, and I'm glad I did! This kind of tea is sold after a year of baking and a good rest. If you choose to do so, this kind of tea will age well! In Hong Kong, this kind of Tieguanyin has been oxidized and baked to the traditional level of Hong Kong tea drinkers. This kind of barbecue is very rare in the mainland today. In fact, I have never experienced this level of baking on the mainland, but I have seen it in Taiwan (in this case, the quality of tea is not as good as that on the mainland). I am surprised that the price of this kind of tea is so good! The tea looks and smells good. It's not as well baked as the other Hong Kong roast Tieguanyin I offer. The dry leaves still show signs of green, which is almost completely absent in the more expensive carbon baked Tieguanyin.


The tea brewed for the first time (after washing) shows an attractive color. The color of the roast is darker than I thought when I first saw the dried leaves, but given the vendor's baking style, I don't know why I expect it to be lighter. Tea tastes like baked cream popcorn, well balanced with the classic, old-school taste of Tieguanyin. The tea is a little sour, but it tastes good and is completely bearable. In Tieguanyin, a slightly sour taste is a traditional merit and is not considered a defect. It is considered to be the characteristic of the real Tieguanyin! Compared with Hong Kong roasted Tieguanyin, this kind of tea has more green base material characteristics, which is pleasant. This new sign began to emerge during the second injection. This kind of tea is not a nuisance at all, which is a big surprise because it is such a reasonable price. When I realized how good this tea was for money, it definitely made me happy! Wuyi tea from small vendors is much more expensive, but I think the tea from small vendors is very good. This dealer is famous for its stable quality and has been operating for nearly 70 years. The amazing performance-to-price ratio of this tea makes me recommend it to those who don't want to spend more money on another Hong Kong roasted Tieguanyin, or those who only like the variety. The price of this kind of tea is less than half that of another kind of heavy carbon roasted Tieguanyin. Gaohuo Tieguanyin has more flavor, which, in my opinion, shows better basic materials, but I am happy to drink these two kinds of tea every day. Try these two kinds of Tieguanyin and see what you think!