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How many types of milk tea are there? Which flavor characteristics of Assam black tea, Ceylon black tea or Kenyan black tea are more suitable for milk tea bottom?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The longer the oxidation time of the tea suitable for drinking milk, the higher the tannin content, so the taste of the tea is stronger and more astringent, which is comparable to the milk. Many black tea mixtures, such as breakfast mixtures, are brewed with milk. They are made so strong that they can withstand the impact of milk. There are also some black teas that have been brewed quickly.

The longer the oxidation time of the tea suitable for drinking milk, the higher the tannin content, so the taste of the tea is stronger and more astringent, which is comparable to the milk. Many black tea mixtures, such as breakfast mixtures, are brewed with milk. They are made so strong that they can withstand the impact of milk. There are also some black teas that become very strong after rapid brewing. These are called CTC and stand for "squeeze, tear, curl". They are black tea processed into small particles and quickly immersed in hot water. Because of their strong brewing power, it is better to add milk. There is also whole-leaf black tea, which can also be drunk with milk, such as Assam and Ceylon tea, as well as black tea from Kenya. You can also consider drinking some strong Chinese black tea, such as Keemun Black Tea. Milk can be added to any bold black tea, but we suggest that all teas should first taste tea without any additives in order to better understand its taste. If you decide to add milk after tasting it, that's great! You should drink as much tea as you like. But be sure to try it without milk first. Hongyu black tea is suitable for milk because it is sweet and full-bodied. Our breakfast at Shimen and Assam in Formosa are also very good. Assam in Formosa has the taste of malt and fruit, which is very strong if you want to drink milk.


Types of tea and preparation of milk there are all kinds of cold and hot drinks all over the world. Here are some ways to enjoy it: latte-tea (which can be any type of tea) is added with steamed or foamed milk. You can add sugar or no sugar. Pearl milk tea, also known as pearl milk tea, is a kind of milk tea from Taiwan, adding cassava pearls that are popular all over the world. It's usually cold, with a sweet taste. Hot Tea, HK Style-A combination of strong tea and condensed or condensed milk, usually a hot drink. Massala tea, Assam tea of India, is boiled with a variety of spices and milk until it is spicy. London Fog-A latte that combines Earl black tea with foamed milk and usually has a hint of vanilla. Tea with milk-strong tea with milk and sugar. Today, the term is still spoken in the UK, and blended wines are still sold as raw materials for "builder brewing". Thai tea means pull tea. Black tea and condensed milk are popular in Southeast Asia. Pour the mixture between two containers to give it a light and foamy texture. East Frisia tea-there is a unique tea custom in a small corner of Germany, where cream and rock sugar are ritually added to strong black tea.