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Is SFTGOP the highest grade black tea? Does the higher the grade of black tea, the better? What is the relationship between tea grade and taste?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Believe it or not, the grade of tea does not always represent quality. To take a simple example, imagine growing something simple, like mint. If you plant it in the fresh organic soil of the garden, it may look a lot like mint grown by the side of the road. Although they look very similar, they are thin from the garden.

Believe it or not, the grade of tea does not always represent quality. To take a simple example, imagine growing something simple, like mint. If you plant it in the fresh organic soil of the garden, it may look a lot like mint grown by the side of the road. Although they look similar, mint picked from the garden tastes better because it is grown in love, care and safety. Unfortunately, the grading of tea pays more attention to the appearance or harvest time of the tea than to the input of "love and care". You can take a kind of tea with the same appearance from two different tea gardens, and it is possible that they also have different tastes. That's why we keep trying different teas, because on paper, teas may look the same, but the key is taste.


So, if the quality of tea is not evaluated by grade, how should it be evaluated? Tea with the same appearance from two different places may also taste different. What about different grades of tea? Let's take a look at the rating system of Indian tea. The most expensive tea you can buy is Super Golden Blossom Orange White Milk Tea (SFTGOP). It's a mouthful, isn't it? Basically, this tells us that what you buy is the best golden flowers and leaf buds from the top of the tea tree. These are probably hand-pulled and careful. What's the difference between this and orange and white? Orange Bai Hao is just a lower leaf on the tea tree. You might be surprised again. Do you know? In the tasting test, a considerable number of people prefer the full-bodied taste of OP tea to the light, subtle and smooth taste of SFTGFOP tea. Generally speaking, high-end tea tends to be lighter, smoother, more complex, with mild floral aromas. Lower-grade teas are thicker, thicker and richer. Take the popular breakfast tea as an example. A good Irish or English breakfast may include broken or even curled leaves to provide the strongest and strongest spice flavor to wake you up. The same goes for green tea. The high-end Longjing tea is very smooth and has a wonderful subtle complexity. Sometimes you may choose the high-end Longjing, sometimes you will choose the full-bodied English breakfast black tea.

The whole... The ones that are really underperforming here are the low-level ones. Tea powder is more of a by-product of the tea processing industry, which is used to make tea bags. For those who want to expand their sense of taste, don't confuse the grade of tea with the quality. All our teas have their own unique qualities. Taste all the different grades of tea and find out what you like.