Coffee review

What is Australian white coffee? What's the difference between Rui Baiao Ruibai Australian white coffee and latte cappuccino?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Australian White is a coffee drink invented in Australia, which is composed of espresso, hot milk and milk bubbles. It is a kind of milk coffee which accounts for more coffee (relative to latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.) will highlight the original taste of coffee and weaken the sense of existence of milk. Cappuccino: cappuccino is


When it comes to coffee, milk coffee comes to mind in many people's minds. People are used to going to Starbucks, or any cafe, and ask for a cup of latte. In recent years, friends who go to Qianjie stores will also say: have a cup of flat white. In fact, flat white is the English name of Australian White Coffee.

The reason why it is called Australian White Coffee is that this coffee was born in Australia. However, the origin of Australian white coffee is controversial in Oceania, where Australians claim they invented flat white, while neighboring New Zealand claims that the birthplace of flat white should be New Zealand.


As early as the 1960s, the word flat white appeared in a British film called Danger by My Side. However, flat white in the film is used to refer to coffee that is as light as water.

It was not until the 1980s that there were written records of flat white for modern drinks.


In May 1983, "flat white" was mentioned in a comment on delicate cafes.

In April 1984, a Sydney newspaper article satirized the popular latte at that time, using "flat white" to describe it.

In 1985, the drink "flat white" appeared on the menu of a cafe called Moors Espresso in Sydney. The owner of the cafe said that he had brought the drink "white coffee-flat" to Sydney from Queensland.

In 1985, the menu in the restaurant of the Capitol in Canberra was marked "flat white only"


[new Zealand]

A DKD cafe in Auckland, New Zealand, invented flat white as an alternative to latte.

In 1989, a barista at Bar Bodega in Wellington used skimmed milk to make a cappuccino, which failed because the foam was too thin and became a cup of flat white instead.

Whether the birthplace of Flat White is Australia or New Zealand is a highly controversial topic. Place of origin aside, Australian white coffee has attracted the attention of many coffee lovers and has been praised by many milk coffee lovers because of its strong coffee flavor and delicate taste.

More interestingly, Australia and New Zealand have different standards for making coffee, also called flat white. Australians prefer single espresso, while New Zealanders prefer double espresso. Speaking of which, some friends may ask Qianjie: what kind of espresso is espresso?


Espresso has something in common with the espresso we often drink, but there are differences. What they have in common is that both are espresso liquid extracted using the same production principle. The difference is that espresso, as its name suggests, has a more concentrated flavor.

In the process of extracting espresso, the color of the coffee liquid from the initial drip is deep and sticky, while with the extension of the coffee extraction time, the color of the coffee liquid in the latter stage becomes lighter and thinner.

Espresso is extracted from the front and middle of espresso, so espresso has a stronger flavor and thicker taste than espresso.


Although the coffee product of "Australian White Coffee" is not marked on the menu of Qianjie Coffee, when the partner asks for this product, Qianjie store will still produce it. The baristas of Qianjie Coffee will use double espresso as the base when producing Australian white coffee.

The production method of Qianjie Coffee O White Coffee

The standard of espresso produced in Qianjie is 20 grams of coffee powder to extract 40 grams of espresso and the extraction time is 28 seconds.

A cup with a capacity of about 240 milliliters will be used when producing Australian white coffee in Qianjie. As the Australian white coffee milk foam is very thin, Qianjie suggests that the milk should be rotated first, then filled with a small amount of gas, and finally enter the stage of whisking the foam.


After the fusion, because the milk foam is very thin, the subsequent flower drawing is difficult to form, Qianjie suggests using the central fixed point injection to form a small dot, or pull a heart shape.

The entrance of the Australian white coffee made in Qianjie has a strong vanilla, creamy flavor and obvious whisky barrel aroma, which will feel warm if you drink it in a cold winter. this is because Qianjie stores use sunflowers and coffee beans to make espresso. This Italian blend of coffee beans is made from 70% of Honduran Shirley coffee beans and 30% of Ethiopian sun red cherry coffee beans.

Shirley coffee beans are fermented in a Shirley whisky barrel for 30 to 40 days, allowing the flavor of Shirley whisky to infiltrate into the raw coffee beans. Shirley whisky has a strong vanilla, creamy flavor and sweetness, while this Shirley coffee bean also has a similar flavor to Shirley bucket whisky.


This Honduran coffee bean variety is Kaddura, Kaduai and Pacas, with the blessing of the bourbon gene, which makes the sweetness of Shirley coffee beans more obvious. At the same time, Shirley coffee beans have the characteristics of Honduran coffee beans, the overall balance, the sour taste will not be too prominent.

What's the difference between Australian white coffee, latte and cappuccino?

If there are friends who taste Australian white coffee, latte and cappuccino, they will find that latte coffee is more milky, cappuccino coffee has obvious flavor and texture, and Australian white coffee highlights the flavor of coffee and weakens the sense of existence of milk.


From the comparison of the ratio of milk and coffee liquid, latte milk accounts for the largest of the three, Australian white coffee uses less milk, so the flavor of latte milk is strong, Australian white coffee has a strong flavor.

The simplest way to distinguish the three should start with the thickness of the milk bubbles. When three types of milk coffee were produced in Qianjie, Australian white coffee sent the thinnest foam, latte coffee had the middle thickness, and cappuccino had the thickest foam among the three.

For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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