Coffee review

The difference between hand-ground coffee and machine coffee will the aroma of hand-ground coffee be better than machine coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, When it comes to brewing coffee, the first thing to solve is to grind the coffee beans into powder. If there is no burr grinder, it will be more difficult to make high-quality coffee. Of course, you can choose to grind coffee beans by hand without a coffee machine, and you can also brew coffee as long as the grinding degree meets the requirements. Some people will say, use 20.

When it comes to brewing coffee, the first thing to solve is to grind the coffee beans into powder. If there is no burr grinder, it will be more difficult to make high-quality coffee. Of course, you can choose to grind coffee beans by hand without a coffee machine, and you can also brew coffee as long as the grinding degree meets the requirements.

This is absolutely.

No matter how good the coffee machine is, it is worthless without proper grinding. The taste of coffee depends on how the beans filter your water. A faster or slower flow rate can greatly change the taste.

The capacity of the hand grinder is smaller than that of the electric grinder, and it takes more effort and time to grind the coffee beans at one time. If you can accept the above shortcomings, and prefer the slow way of grinding beans, enjoy the sound and aroma of grinding in the process, then this is the perfect choice.

Whether people want to enjoy coffee easily every day, or the whole family drinks coffee every morning, it will be more convenient to use an electric bean grinder that can quickly handle large portions of beans than hard manual grinding. However, the need to plug in is its disadvantage, and according to different designs, some models are too loud when grinding beans, while others take up more space. On the other hand, some people worry that the temperature produced by high-speed grinding will have an impact on the taste, but the actual grinding time is very short, basically will not cause much problem.