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Starbucks has become a "capitalist", partners organized groups to complain! What is the salary of Starbucks coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Since the beginning of the epidemic, it can be said that the manpower given by Starbucks to various stores has decreased rather than increased, and Starbucks stores in many parts of the world have experienced a serious shortage of manpower. Under such a lack of manpower, Starbucks did not solve the manpower problem first, but constantly launched beverage discounts to attract a large number of people.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, it can be said that the manpower given by Starbucks to various stores has decreased rather than increased, and Starbucks stores in many parts of the world have experienced a serious shortage of manpower. Under such a lack of manpower, Starbucks did not solve the manpower problem first, but constantly launched beverage discounts to attract a large number of consumers, so that the workload of the remaining employees increased several times. But wages and benefits remain in a state of "standing still".

In the past two years of the epidemic, Starbucks employees in many places in the United States repeatedly reported to the company that they were understaffed, that their per capita work was intensive, and that their wages were not proportional to their workload, but Starbucks did not coordinate their handling, or the results could not reassure the employees. Under the continuous accumulation of discontent, employees in many parts of the United States began to fight against Starbucks! Choose the trade union that Starbucks does not like most, set up, join, in order to have the opportunity to negotiate face-to-face with Starbucks, rather than the feedback spread layer by layer, spread away.


First, employees of a Starbucks store in Buffalo, New York formed the first employee union in the history of Starbucks in the United States, followed by three other stores in Buffalo and a store in Arizona. At the same time, Starbucks employees in six cities are seeking to vote on whether to form a union. With unions, they can negotiate directly with the company, and Starbucks employees in other parts of the United States have begun to join existing unions.


Recently, Starbucks employees in the Chicago area have joined existing American unions, believing that only by forming a group can they bring "partner Voice" to their "partners." They wrote to John Culver, a Starbucks executive, in the name of the union: we love this job, but understaffing has made many employees' wages out of proportion to their workload. Therefore, we will negotiate with you on the salary of existing staff and the shortage of staff in stores in the form of a trade union. I hope the company will pay attention to this negotiation.

Starbucks in the United States, on the other hand, has always opposed employees to form / join trade unions, and described the unions as "obstacles" to the development of the company. Before, there were store employees who wanted to form a union, but the company finally spent a lot of money to dissolve the store. Starbucks did not intend to stop the formation of the union, but it did not intend to ignore it, so so far, Starbucks has not responded to the negotiations submitted in the form of a union.


Even if it is not dealt with, Starbucks has not achieved basic protection for the safety of its employees during the epidemic. It was reported on Jan. 6 that employees at the store that formed the Starbucks union in the United States began to leave because the company did not provide the store with enough N95 masks at a time when the epidemic was so severe. Under the condition that people entering public places are required to wear masks throughout the state, there are still many guests who do not deserve to wear masks, but Starbucks asked them to continue to provide services to these guests. Unsafe + high-intensity work + understaffed, employees have said that they are very tired, so they have left their jobs in the past few days.


To this end, a spokesman for Starbucks said: 20 restaurants in Buffalo have been closed to provide take-out services only, and shop hours have been shortened to address the surge in local outbreaks and staff shortages. At the same time, it is also hoped that all staff can cooperate with epidemic prevention, complete vaccination as soon as possible, and update the policy on how long employees should be quarantined after being infected with COVID-19, so as to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus as much as possible.

In addition to the United States, Starbucks partners in South Korea have recently joined local unions one after another, also because of Starbucks' low wages, poor benefits and dissatisfaction with the high intensity of work. In addition to huddling together, they also complained anonymously on online forums about Starbucks, one of which read: "in a Starbucks discount, a customer bought 650 drinks at a time, but the company did not provide manpower for the store." as a result, all the staff of the store were very busy and had to receive a steady stream of guests with a smile on their faces. "

In December last year, experts in South Korea released a survey: 613 Starbucks employees sought mental health treatment due to work stress in 2020, a more than five-fold increase from 2015. The number of injuries caused by understaffing has also tripled from 2019.


In addition to complaining on the website, some Starbucks employees have tried to rent a truck with a display that reads: "Please don't forget that partners are Starbucks' biggest asset." Then drive from downtown Seoul to the Gangnam district to express their dissatisfaction with all the customers who lined up for coffee at Starbucks during the event. This move is not only dissatisfied with the problem of heavy workload but low wages, but also because after Starbucks arrived in South Korea in 1999, it promised to raise wages based on seniority and performance, but only a handful of employees actually enjoyed the benefits.

Over the past two years, Starbucks partners in China have also complained a lot. Although the benefits have been improved, they will not be implemented immediately. Instead, they will have to wait for another year and a half before these benefits will be distributed to the partners. As for staffing, some stores are also understaffed, there is no manpower to train new employees, and the salaries and benefits given to new employees are not as good as they used to be.


In this way, unionizing / unionizing doesn't seem to make much sense, and it's comforting that Starbucks partners have a place to vent. When the emotional venting is over, the work should go on.

Photo Source: Internet

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