Coffee review

Starbucks launches new products! Starbucks Coffee and Pepsi launch Energy drink

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, As we all know, in addition to the coffee produced by Starbucks stores. For everything around it, it is very attentive. Although Starbucks is famous for selling freshly ground coffee, instant coffee that can be stored at room temperature is actually the best seller of Starbucks. (cold knowledge: since 1994, Starbucks has been

As we all know, in addition to the coffee produced by Starbucks stores. For everything around it, it is very attentive. Although Starbucks is famous for selling freshly ground coffee, instant coffee that can be stored at room temperature is actually the best seller of Starbucks. Cold knowledge: Starbucks has been the "leader" of the ready-to-drink coffee market since 1994, while Nestle Coffee launched ready-to-drink coffee at a later stage.

They pinpointed consumers' tastes and needs, first launched canned black coffee, canned milk coffee, bottled milk coffee, bottled coffee star cappuccino. In recent years, people began to pay attention to health, Starbucks also paid attention to environmental protection, so they launched bottled almond milk coffee, soy milk coffee, coconut milk coffee and oatmeal milk coffee.


In addition to ready-to-drink coffee, Starbucks also offers caffeinated energy drinks for consumers who need caffeine but don't like it. Starbucks announced yesterday that it will launch three fruit-flavored energy drinks, BAYA Energy, in supermarkets across the Americas on March 1. Developed by Starbucks and Pepsi, this energy drink contains 90 calories, 90 milligrams of vitamin C and 160 milligrams of caffeine per 12oz. It is a low-calorie, high-caffeine refreshing drink.

For a coffee company to start the energy drink business across the border, Chanda Beppu, vice president of market development for Starbucks in the Americas, explained: "We have been closely monitoring customers' consumption trends to determine what products to develop later. Recently we have noticed a steady increase in sales of energy drinks. "

According to US market data: since the outbreak, more and more American consumers have begun to turn to energy drinks. In terms of the retail market, annual sales of energy drinks are about $15 billion in 2019, $16 billion in 2020 and $18 billion in 2021.

The rapid increase in demand is due to the pressures generated by the epidemic, leaving consumers in urgent need of refreshing drinks. You can't go out to buy freshly ground coffee, that is, the caffeine content of drinking coffee is not high (sugar is high, but drinking too much will make you more tired). In addition, more and more coffee brands have joined the ready-to-drink coffee market, and the price is more favorable. And the epidemic led to a sharp decline in store revenue and other factors, so that Starbucks began to feel a "sense of crisis." It's no good to focus on coffee, so you want to get a piece of the energy drink market.

But it's not so easy to get a piece of the pie! Some analysts in the American market said: consumers have a strong brand loyalty to energy drinks, and consumers will prefer to choose big brands / old brands when choosing energy drinks. Although Starbucks is well-known, it is only famous in the coffee industry. Starbucks is only a new brand in energy drinks. For this reason, consumers may not like the energy drinks launched by Starbucks this time, or the consumers are just tasting fresh, or the original customers of Starbucks.

Coca-Cola tried to launch energy drinks in the American market in early 2020, but sales were so low that it withdrew its products from the American market in late 2021 for just over a year.


Starbucks is also aware of this, so it especially starts with "low calories" and "high vitamins". They know that whether the brand itself is well-known or not, entering a new market, it is a new brand. A new brand requires a lot of investment and time to build, and if you want consumers to notice, you need to be different. So Starbucks hopes to attract such demand / health-conscious consumers through the "advantages" of low-calorie and high-vitamin.

Even Starbucks thinks the coffee market is not easy to do. It's not easy anymore.

Photo Source: Internet

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