Coffee review

An Internet celebrity in Shanghai played camping coffee at a bus stop, which was hotly discussed by many netizens.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The deepest impression of Shanghai is the international metropolis full of high-rise buildings, which can be a coffee shop in a few steps, full of petty bourgeoisie. No matter how awkward the actual situation is, drink a cup of coffee gracefully. Yesterday, some netizens were hotly discussed by many netizens because they drank coffee too elegantly.

The deepest impression of Shanghai is the international metropolis full of high-rise buildings, which can be a coffee shop in a few steps, full of petty bourgeoisie. No matter how awkward the actual situation is, drink a cup of coffee gracefully. Yesterday, some netizens were hotly debated by many netizens because they drank coffee too elegantly.

Not long ago, the COVID-19 epidemic reignited in Shanghai. in order to ensure everyone's safety, many friends living in Shanghai were forced to stay at home and quarantined, creating a scene of "I want to buy coffee." let the world realize how much Shanghainese are addicted to coffee.

This time, the hotly debated netizens originally thought that the number of people going to the coffee shop would not be too large, but they were pleasantly surprised by the upsurge of enthusiasm for coffee. Due to the epidemic in Shanghai, the coffee shop only provides take-out service and does not support restaurant food. In pursuit of comfort, he took out some camping supplies from the car and sat under the bus stop, tasting the special coffee he had just bought and listening to vinyl records.


On the other hand, Weibo posted online that the bus stop made coffee and put vinyl. It is precisely this elegant and leisure attitude towards life that has caused trouble to some netizens.

Some netizens questioned the incident that it was obviously windy and raining heavily on that day, so it was a bit too pretentious to make coffee and put black glue at the bus stop.

As a result, some Weibo bloggers found the photos of the little red books sent by the parties and compared them with the photos taken by passers-by.

Some netizens left a message saying that this operation is no different from performance art.


Guo Degang and Zhou Libo once performed the high-level sense of coffee as one of the jokes, and some people still have a petty bourgeoisie and elegant sentiment towards coffee. Some netizens said that the "elegance" in this incident is more like a homeless man.



In this "performance", some netizens noticed that the vinyl record player, which enhances the overall high-level sense, as an enthusiast of vinyl records, questioned the performance of this portable vinyl record, which is purely decorative products.



There are also netizens who leave their own feelings about the parties occupying the location of the bus station platform.




Among them, there are some netizens in the comment area who are quarantined and can't even step out of the door to express their anxiety about the protagonist not wearing a mask in public places.


Under the heated discussion among netizens, one of the parties to the incident clarified the incident on an online platform.


Some netizens forwarded this clarification to the Weibo platform, and some netizens expressed confusion about the hot discussion about why the scope of regulation is so wide, which is also the personal freedom of the parties concerned.



Some netizens expressed their views in the comments area by combining the current epidemic in Shanghai and the responses of the parties concerned.



What do you think of this in front of the screen?

Photo Source: Weibo, Little Red Book, Internet

For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) and exchange professional coffee knowledge. Please add Wechat account kaixinguoguo0925.