Coffee review

What is caffeine withdrawal reaction? Will your body go against you if you suddenly stop drinking coffee?!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are many friends will often say: coffee is their own spiritual food, is an artifact to continue life! In fact, such a statement is not exaggerated, nor is it hypocritical. For long-term coffee drinkers, abruptly stopping drinking coffee / skipping coffee for a day can really cause an uncomfortable reaction. Once the body gets used to coffee

There are many friends will often say: coffee is their own spiritual food, is an artifact to continue life! In fact, such a statement is not exaggerated, nor is it hypocritical. For long-term coffee drinkers, abruptly stopping drinking coffee / skipping coffee for a day can really cause an uncomfortable reaction.


Once the body gets used to caffeine, the brain increases the production of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that can regulate many activities of the human body. For example, when the production of dopamine in the brain increases, you will feel more excited / happy, and the production of dopamine will affect your desires and feelings. At the same time, caffeine intake will mislead the brain into thinking that there is an emergency, and then stimulate the release of adrenaline, which will increase your alertness.


If you suddenly stop drinking coffee one day and give up this feeling of happiness and sobriety, you can, but your body doesn't think so. According to psychopharmacological studies, caffeine withdrawal begins about 6 hours after drinking coffee. Do you feel that you are not addicted to caffeine? in fact, you are used to regular intake of caffeine, which is tantamount to addiction, but you consciously feel that you are not so dependent on coffee. ) if you can still stay away from caffeine after a reaction, your body will begin to fight you for more than nine days.


On the first day you don't drink coffee / caffeine, you start to feel drowsy, tired, and even start to have headaches and dizziness. Some time ago, an article in the coffee workshop also said that people feel sleepy because adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, binds to receptors that recognize specific signals. The more adenosine binds to receptors, the more sleepy you will be.

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, which can effectively prevent the binding of adenosine to the receptor and give you a temporary pick-me-up. So when you don't take caffeine regularly, you will feel more drowsy than usual, physically and mentally tired, thus reducing your work efficiency. This drowsiness and exhaustion will last until the end of the withdrawal reaction.


In addition to feeling lethargic, some friends also have varying degrees of headaches. This is because caffeine affects the binding of adenosine to the receptor, so adenosine habitually increases in order to fight caffeine. As a result, suddenly one day you stop drinking coffee, without the prevention of caffeine, adenosine is like opening party, crazy binding to the receptor, the feeling of exhaustion suddenly increases, but you can not sleep, there will be varying degrees of headache.

In addition to the fact that your brain is not used to it, your stomach may not be able to adapt to the days without coffee. Many friends say that they will have the idea of smelly with pay soon after drinking coffee, because the acid in the coffee enters the secretion of gastrin, which accelerates the peristalsis of the stomach. Once your stomach gets used to having coffee to promote peristalsis every day, you suddenly stop drinking it! What do you think it will do? I have to fix your constipation... (intestines and stomach: let you not drink coffee, let you not drink coffee. )


As mentioned above, there may be a small partner who can hold on, so the emotional shock is the reason why it is so difficult for people to quit coffee. Anxiety and depression begin to appear on the second and third day after not drinking coffee. Anxiety comes from the fact that your efficiency after not drinking coffee will be slower than usual, and the imbalance between epinephrine and glutamate can also cause lingering anxiety.

Frustration is because dopamine, glutamate and norepinephrine are all chemicals that help you regulate your mood. Caffeine keeps their balance, and suddenly without coffee, they try to release more balance. as a result, without the right guidance, the three become more unbalanced, which makes you feel depressed. These symptoms can't be relieved even if you sleep, and anxiety can make you sleepless, and then get more tired the next day.


Although caffeine withdrawal can be exhausting, studies have shown that if people can stay away from caffeine (including other caffeinated drinks) for two weeks, they will feel like a different person. it's easier and happier than drinking coffee every day.

Due to the lack of the influence of foreign matter, its own system will return to a state of self-adjustment. If you really want to quit coffee, it is recommended that you start by reducing your caffeine intake every day and let your body slowly accept the process instead of not drinking coffee at once.

Although coffee is spiritual food, when you feel that you still can't cheer up after drinking coffee, you can try to spill the coffee!


Well, when you feel really tired, what you need to do is not to increase your caffeine intake, but to regulate your mood by doing more exercise and go to bed early to ensure your sleep time.

Photo Source: Internet

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