Coffee review

A store in Honey Snow Ice City was fined 2000 yuan for coffee powder expired!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Milk tea and coffee are the two essential products for workers to go to work. Especially at the end of Labour Day short holiday, these refreshing life water is very precious. Compared with Starbucks and Ruixing, it is easy to find a store in Snow Ice City, from high-end shopping malls to small corners of the street. This

Milk tea and coffee are the two essential products for workers to go to work. Especially at the end of Labour Day short holiday, these refreshing life water is very precious.

Compared with Starbucks and Ruixing, it is easy to find a store in Snow Ice City, from high-end shopping malls to small corners of the street. In addition, the lower price of Honey Snow Ice City makes more consumers' wallets try to taste sweet. However, the thing behind this sweetness makes people feel bitter. Recently, a honey snow ice city milk tea shop was fined for the expiration of "roasted coffee powder".


A Milk Bingcheng milk tea shop in Gongcheng Town, Gongcheng County, Guilin City, Guangxi, was fined 2000 yuan by the Market Supervision Administration of Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County because its raw materials were out of date, and the products involved were confiscated, according to APP.


According to the punishment, law enforcement officials inspected the store on April 8 and found that the half-bag products placed on the shelves and the 26 bags of products stacked in the warehouse exceeded the shelf life, with a production date marked 20210808 and a shelf life of six months. The product name of these products is "roasted coffee powder", which is used to make processed milk tea. Law enforcement officers confiscated 26.5 bags of expired products on the spot, each with a net content of 380g, and fined the shop involved 2000 yuan.

Cold drink as the protagonist of the hot summer, its food safety and site hygiene problems are once again facing challenges. Last year, a number of brands in the new tea industry were investigated, and there were even journalists undercover. Food safety problems such as the hygiene of Naixue's tea kitchen and moldy fruit raw materials attracted the attention of workers. I never thought that behind this splendor, there was such a dirty secret, which was immediately unappetizing.


Honey snow ice city, as a giant in the sinking market of the new tea industry, has also been found to have a number of food safety problems: out-of-date raw materials, poor environmental hygiene and so on. While health and safety problems have been repeatedly exposed, Honey Snow Ice City is still like a fish in water at the level of commercial operation.


Maintain the consistent low-price strategy, the prices of products sold in the store are unbeatable. Many consumers have made a good impression on the brand by donating money for the severe flood disaster in Henan and later welcoming the police to come to the store to have a rest.

Many consumers have high hopes for Honeysnow Ice City, and they are shocked to see that the store has been fined for the expiration of coffee powder. They hope that the brand of Honeysnow Ice City will stand up and not let consumers down.



Some netizens said that they were disappointed by Honey Snow Ice City and dared not drink any more.


The war of the new tea industry to attack the sinking market is becoming more and more fierce. Brands such as Xi Tea and Nai Xue Tea, which were originally focused on the high-end market, have focused on the middle and low-end markets.

With the advent of summer, food supervision and hygiene is bound to become more stringent. On this year's Consumer Rights Day, the official account of CCTV website Wechat published an article naming the food safety issues of Honey Snow and Ice City. Honey snow ice city also from time to time came the news of listing, has not yet been listed honey snow ice city will still become the focus of regulatory attention.


Food safety is a very important thing, it can affect health, it can not be ignored just because it is sold cheaply.

Photo Source: Internet

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