Coffee review

Hand-brewing coffee water control skill water flow speed method coffee brewing posture teaching

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, Qianjie was browsing on moments. Seeing a reasonable remark, Qianjie decided to share it with you. This short sentence tells the role of the final powder layer shape. Observing the powder layer can not tell whether the coffee is good or not, but it can reflect your water injection habits and water control skills. The importance of water control hand brewing coffee is not good.

Today, Qianjie was browsing on moments. Seeing a reasonable remark, Qianjie decided to share it with you.


This short sentence tells the role of the final powder layer shape. Observing the powder layer can not tell whether the coffee is good or not, but it can reflect your water injection habits and water control skills. The importance of water control hand brewing coffee is not good, there are mainly two cases, the first is that the parameters are wrong, and the second is that water control is not good. Of course, for beginners, it is not rare for both situations to occur at the same time. However, the two cases focus on some different directions, the parameters mainly need the understanding of the brain and the number of trial and error, according to the brain's understanding of the parameters, through constant trial and error to find the optimal solution. Water control is a technical activity that focuses on muscle memory, that is to say, when the practice time comes up, water control is naturally handy. Under normal circumstances, the basic water control can be mastered after two and a half weeks of practice.


Water control is based on the understanding of hedge cooking parameters, which is relatively simple, but it does not mean that it will be done at a glance. For example, in the Qianjie store, many friends want to give it a try after watching the barista make coffee. Of course, in the process of experience, most of the hands are shaking as much as the aunt in the canteen, and the water flow is large and small, and even the flow is often cut off. Therefore, it is difficult for beginners to master this skill quickly. However, if you use reasonable water control techniques and practice for a certain period of time, you can control water stably in 3 days. So what are the skills of water control in practice? There are only two requirements for hand flushing pots-spout and weight. The spout is recommended to buy a gooseneck shape, which is more suitable for hand-brewing coffee. The selection of the diameter of the spout determines the difficulty of water control and the thickness of the foundation of water control. Choosing a small-caliber hand flushing pot will be less difficult to control water and have a short time cycle, but you can't practice how to control water (because you don't need to control it at all, it's hard to use a large flow of water, and the playability is low).


It is difficult to choose a thick-caliber hand pot to control the water, and it takes a long time to use it, but once you have mastered the water control of this pot, other pots are also handy. Weight refers to the weight of carrying water. Because when we make coffee, we need to raise our hands to make the pot for at least one and a half minutes. So just because you can lift the hand pot doesn't mean it suits you, at least hold it for at least one and a half minutes without shaking. Therefore, those with small strength can choose a small pot of 0.6-0.8L, and those with strong strength can choose a large pot of 1.0-1.2. Of course, habitual weight itself is also a kind of muscle memory, that is, on the first day, the hand of the kettle holding this weight may shake, but hold it for a week, let your hand get used to the weight, and it will naturally stabilize.


Proper posture and proper water injection posture can also improve the stability of water control. The principle is very simple. The reason why it is difficult to control water control at the beginning is that your hand does not adapt to the weight of the hand flushing pot, resulting in excessive load, that is, we say, "the eyes have learned, but the hands have not yet learned". Maintain a comfortable position to inject water, which is helpful to reduce the load of hands and improve endurance. For example, the table is so high that the palm has to be filled with water higher than the shoulder, so the load on the whole arm is so heavy that when the arm can't hold on, it will tremble. A more comfortable water injection height should be slightly lower than the level of the chest.


Some friends like to inject water close to (standing) at the table, and the filter cup is also placed in a relatively front position, so that when injecting water, it is difficult to stretch the arm, it is also easy to make the shoulder tired, but also affects the circle of water injection. It is better to keep the distance between the body and the filter cup from 20cm, so that the arms can have enough space to stretch. Control water flow and uniform circle if you decide to hold the pot with one hand, the pot tends to lean forward (because of insufficient strength), then Qianjie suggests that you hold the pot with both hands first, that is, hold the handle with your right hand and hold the lid with your left hand, which can also reduce the burden on your right hand.


To practice the flow of water, you can first fill the water in the hand flush pot with a small current at a uniform speed. Keep the water flow at a right angle to the horizontal line, and practice repeatedly. After getting started, fill all the water in the hand flushing pot with medium current at a uniform speed, and practice repeatedly. Finally, go to the big current and practice over and over again. The purpose of this is to train the ability to control the size of the current. Then there is circle training. In front of the street, it is recommended to use arms to control the movement of the hand pot, keeping the water vertically around a concentric circle, from a small circle to a big circle, and then back to a small circle. At first, it moves slowly and slowly speeds up the circle under the premise that the current is stable. After getting started, you can also practice small flow circles, medium flow circles, and large flow circles, so that it is easy to control water.