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Cafe refuses to accept banknotes plus central bank response: reasonable

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex with the progress of the times, the development of the Internet has brought us great convenience, in daily life

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With the progress of the times, the development of the Internet has brought us great convenience, and the cashless and contactless way of payment in daily life is becoming more and more common. It is even said that mobile payment has become the mainstream method of payment, and it is estimated that many people have forgotten what paper money looks like. A few days ago, according to Global Times and other media reports, a woman named Irene Nizzero in Ontario, Canada, was rejected when she paid with an old C $5 bill in a cafe. Nizzero uses an old C $5 note issued in 1986, while the new C $5 note has already been made of plastic.

The young clerk didn't seem to recognize the old note and asked other clerks to check it. Nizzero told the clerk at the time that the old note was absolutely real, but the clerk refused to accept it out of caution. The next day to prove that her old C $5 bill was real, Nizzero went back to the coffee shop and showed it to the manager.


Nizzero said she tried to buy drinks with a 1986 C $5 bill, but it was not accepted. As a result, Nizzero also expressed understanding to the merchants, saying that it is normal for young people not to recognize old banknotes, and that shop assistants refuse to accept old banknotes out of prudence. After all, everyone now uses new plastic banknotes or pays electronically.

Later, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported on October 17 that Bank of Canada spokesman A é lie Ferron-Craig said in an email to CBC, "it is up to sellers to decide which terms of payment they want to accept. Merchants can refuse to accept banknotes, or even certain denominations, as a means of payment for goods or services."

Ferron-Craig says it is up to merchants to decide which form of payment to accept and even reject certain denomination notes when accepting cash. In order to prevent counterfeiting and avoid losses, small shops in many countries, including Canada, will reject large-denomination banknotes. Later, the Bank of Canada also said that the old banknotes in everyone's hands can still be exchanged for new ones at any bank.


In an email, Ferron-Craig added that the 1986 banknote adopted security measures, such as raised ink and green dots, to help prevent counterfeiting. Ferron-Craig said that all old banknotes retain their value and can be exchanged for new ones at any bank.

At the same time, Nizzero said, "I don't blame the young clerks for their caution. I have to reconsider my position, which has spanned enough generations, which reflects the popularity of plastic and virtual mobile payments."

Earlier, British netizens posted a notice on the social platform that local Starbucks will no longer accept cash payment, and from October 1, 2022, Starbucks UK will only accept payment by credit card, contactless or star payment. this means that more and more brand stores no longer support cash payment. As soon as the news came out, it was questioned by many local netizens, and it became more and more intense that cashless payment seemed to be the trend of Starbucks stores across the UK.


In 2020, as the COVID-19 epidemic swept the world, in order to protect consumers and employees from novel coronavirus, then CEO Kevin Johnson said that Starbucks is speeding up its plan to expand the choice of cashless payment methods. It is predicted that mobile payment will become the main payment method.

It is really convenient to change from traditional payment to mobile payment. in the past, you had to bring cash, bank cards, change, etc., every time you went out, it was very troublesome. If you didn't bring change, you had to wait in line. But now all you need is a mobile phone, and some of you don't even have to take it with you. Just tie it up and pay by facial scan.

However, from a reasonable point of view, the lack of cash will inevitably bring a lot of inconvenience to some groups, such as the elderly, people with disabilities and consumers in rural and mountainous areas where the Internet is not popular enough. What do you think of this? How long has it been since you used paper money?

Photo Source: Internet