Coffee review

Why do the big names insist on co-naming with coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Nowadays, it has long been common for big brands to "sell coffee" across borders. In addition to being contestants in the catering industry, last year we also saw the post office, Li Ning, Special step, brain Platinum, Huawei and other big names successively enter the bureau, forming the scene of "cross-border coffee of all things." Cross-border coffee with different styles is the same as in previous years, coffee is still the capital sector.

Nowadays, it has long been common for big brands to "sell coffee" across borders. In addition to being contestants in the catering industry, last year we also saw the post office, Li Ning, Special step, brain Platinum, Huawei and other big names successively enter the bureau, forming the scene of "cross-border coffee of all things."


Cross-border coffee with different styles

As in previous years, coffee is still a priority for the capital world, and more and more giants are "selling coffee in person".

February 2022, China's first post office coffee officially opened in Xiamen, and then continue to enter a number of popular cities, now has 12 physical stores. Dong Kexin, co-founder of Post Office Coffee / CMO, also set up the Flag of the "hundred stores plan", hoping to become a new generation of "national coffee brand".

In addition to traditional time-honored brands, sports brands, Internet enterprises, chain restaurants are also not willing to lag behind. First there are Li Ning's "Ning Coffee NING COFFEE" and Special Coffee XTEP COFFEE, then there are customized coffee drinks by GouBuLi steamed stuffed bun and Taier Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili, as well as the new coffee brand "Grid Coffee" invested by Yuanfudao and the "awakening ON" coffee brand launched by e-cigarette brand RELX Yuetu. Even platinum, which focuses on elderly customers, wants a piece of the pie.


From this point of view, these cross-border players dabble in numerous industries, but they all have nothing to do with coffee, but they all cut into the coffee market. Is coffee really so "fragrant"?

"selling coffee" doesn't mean coffee.

The purpose of cross-border brands entering the coffee market is to enhance people's impression of the brand with the help of coffee, a young element with its own flow, so as to retain more customer groups. "Coffee +" allows big brands to easily get enough exposure, and personalized style may also become an online celebrity punch-in point sought after by some young people.


Obviously, as long as the big brands are co-signed with coffee, they can always attract a wave of attention. at the same time, the addition of coffee as a light luxury element also makes their brands more fashionable and promotes a greater level of promotion.

Why are the big names only obsessed with coffee?

"China Coffee New Wave-2022 China Coffee Industry Development report" shows that today's coffee consumption has changed from "fashion" to "coffee life". Young consumers have formed the habit of drinking coffee, and coffee has become a "daily drink".


With the gradual popularization and popularization of coffee, in addition to the drink itself, the sales of coffee-related products have also increased a lot. Big brands take a fancy to the hot situation of the coffee market, believing that there is less competition and greater potential in the coffee circle, coupled with the gimmicks brought about by online marketing, to take this opportunity to deepen the relationship between brands and consumers. For example, "sauerkraut latte" may not be drunk, but there will always be people taking pictures and posting them on moments.


However, once the heat cools, coffee "can't be saved."

Back in the coffee circle, there are many major chain brands, and the competition is quite fierce. In order to survive in the coffee industry, "volume" tricks emerge one after another. And these cross-border brands as the "layman" of the industry, the audience of their own products and coffee consumers do not overlap, and I am afraid that in the end, they have become an one-time flow for the public to sign in. Consumers go to Li Ning stores to buy clothes, and go to coffee shops to drink coffee, the pursuit is not the same space, the purpose of consumption will eventually be different. In addition, how many people are willing to spend more than 499 for a free cup of coffee?


Generally speaking, the future of the coffee market is bright, the market scale and potential are huge, and there are many entrants. However, in order to catch the heat of the moment and blindly follow the trend, you will only lose the good image you have accumulated over the years, so cross-border coffee still needs to think twice.