Coffee review

Coffee shop sends out a document for help "drive sedentary customers way" hot discussion!

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
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How many papers are there for Korean students? Friends who watch Korean TV dramas should also know that whenever there is a scene about students' study, either on the way to cram school, cram school, self-study in the study room, or learn nosebleeds at home.

No matter what age group, students' demand for caffeine will be very high. Some junior students choose caffeine drinks from convenience stores every day, while others who go to high school and college go to the coffee shop to order a cup of coffee every day.


Screenshots of the lines of the TV series "Strange lawyer Wu Yingyu"

For seniors who need to concentrate more, there is no better place to concentrate than a coffee shop, which is more relaxing and quiet than the reading room and home. For a long time, there has been a topic of "Learning Cafe" on social platforms, recommending suitable cafes for other student parties.

However, this operation gives many coffee shop owners a great headache! Recently, many coffee shop managers have posted articles on the forum asking, "is there any way to leave the students who sit for seven or eight hours per cup of coffee without embarrassment?"


At first, only a few people posted the article! As a result, it directly triggered a heated discussion among a lot of coffee shop owners who had the same experience. Under the premise of complaining, many managers say that they can understand the difficulties of these students very well, because they used to do the same.

However, due to the rising water and electricity bills and the rising prices of raw materials in recent years, the operation of cafes has become more and more difficult. These students buy the cheapest cup of iced American coffee or even a cup of water. They will start to move out their computers in the coffee shop, and so on. They will sit for seven or eight hours. And not one or two, a group of such guests come every day.


At present, the operation of coffee shops is not easy. Many coffee shops do not have a large area and there are not many seats. These students occupy more than half of the seats as soon as they come, and the rate of turning tables is extremely high. At the same time, some guests who really want to drink coffee lose the desire to enter the door and spend money when they see that there are not many seats in the store.

But when these students come and consume, even a glass of water, we can't drive them away, because it will affect the reputation of the store, so we hope you can provide some ways to limit their stay.

In addition to the students, some tutors went too far. One person ordered a cup of iced American coffee, and four students could sit for a day in class, which not only occupied the table, but also affected other guests.


For such a situation, many coffee shops that have successfully reduced the number of student party seats have shared their prevention methods, and the best way is to post clear notices indicating that the location in the store is limited. For guests who need to study, we will provide the required space and charge by time.

Some will post directly on the table, "if you use it for more than a few hours, you must order another drink / meal." Some shopkeepers turn off the air conditioner / heating or play fast-paced music when too many students take up seats.

Although the occupancy of students has really affected the table-turning rate, some coffee shop owners admit that business is not good nowadays, and their arrival is to some extent to increase the popularity of coffee shopkeepers, but if you just spend more than six hours on a drink, there are many such students every day, and it is also very difficult for us to do so. After all, we will lose money on utilities.


Seeing such a topic, the code clerk remembered that he received a guest from Hong Kong yesterday. As there were not many seats in the store and there were more guests at that time, he asked if there would be a limited time rule. On his question, I did not quite understand at first, after all, guests spend, they have the right to use space, why the need for time limit?

Later, he explained that there are many workers in coffee shops in Hong Kong who will sit with their computers all day, but many coffee shops will have a lot of people at lunchtime / afternoon tea time. However, because there are always a lot of workers sitting in a shop, so many guests do not have a seat to rest, so many shops require everyone to leave their seats within 2 hours, and if they want to continue to sit, they need to continue to spend.


For such a regulation, in fact, we can also see that it is not easy for everyone to operate. Just like there are many coffee shops in order to control online celebrities to punch in and take photos, which affects the consumption experience of other customers, they also have their own tricks. There are people who buy tickets to take pictures in the store, and some people who spend more than how much money to take pictures.


In order to stop those who buy a cup of coffee and occupy the space for a few hours to shoot, the store even stipulates that they need to pay the venue fee and the time for the use of the venue, which cannot be used without restriction and affect other guests with a cup of coffee.

Business is not easy, the boss is not a good church, it is too difficult, really too difficult.

Photo Source: Internet