Coffee review

What is coffee Flat Red? What's the difference between Australian white coffee Flat White and Australian white coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie Coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeexFlatWhite Australian White Coffee I believe everyone is familiar with, so have you heard

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

Flat White Australian White Coffee is familiar to everyone, so have you ever heard of Flat Red Coffee? (this is the first time I've heard of it.)

Recently, when I was browsing the video, I saw that many coffee bloggers abroad are making a red coffee drink. I would like to call it the coffee version of Bloody Mary. All right, I'm kidding!


The direct translation of this coffee is called Pinghong Coffee, just like Flat White, it will be called Pingbai Coffee. However, according to the translation of Australian White Coffee, it is called Australian White Coffee because it was invented in New Australia. Flat Red was invented in Ukraine, so it should be called...

"I know! It's called black red coffee! "

-that's great!

But after tasting it, the name "hot red wine American" reverberated in the barista's mind. The reason why we continue to look down ~

What is Flat Red?

Similar to the birth of Flat White Australia White Coffee, because more consumers in New Zealand and Australia want to drink milk coffee with a stronger coffee flavor, more and more cafes are making Australian White Coffee, which is different from the balanced and smooth latte, using stronger coffee and thinner milk bubbles.


The birth of Flat Red is also because people in Ukraine want to drink coffee with special flavor, so some cafes have begun to study products that can not only attract the public from their appearance, but also make the taste of coffee deeply remembered by the public.

In Ukraine, red wine is very popular with local consumers, and light red is also the favorite color of Ukrainians. As a result, coffee shops have studied coffee products that are similar in color and taste to wine, but not alcoholic, but also sour, sweet and full-bodied.


Vadym Granovskiy, the barista who invented Flat Red, said that at first the red part was made from blood orange juice, but the freshly squeezed orange juice will have a marked astringent taste of citrus peel and will taste more sour and sweet when mixed with coffee.

But citrus fruit juices are very good when mixed with coffee, so pomegranate juice is used instead of pomegranate juice in the red part, while orange juice is added to enhance the sweet and sour taste of the mixed juice and add richer taste to Flat Red. The fruit juice made from a mixture of pomegranate and orange can also form a full-bodied taste like red wine and a hint of fermented wine when heated.


For this reason, when the product was launched, it was immediately loved by local consumers and was taking photos and sharing one after another. The product soon became popular in Ukraine, and more and more local cafes offered Flat Red.

It can be said that this coffee does not have much to do with Flat White, the only similarity is that both products have a thin layer of silky foam, so they also use the word "Flat".

How to make Flat Red?

According to the recipe provided online, Qianjie was also reengraved again.

Flat Red uses pomegranate juice and orange juice. Due to the limited equipment in the store, the barista presses the fresh pomegranate juice and orange juice at home before leaving for work today and mixes them at 1:1.


To the surprise of the barista! As it is not yet the pomegranate season, pomegranate juice is only light red after being squeezed out, and it becomes orange-red directly after adding freshly squeezed orange juice.



A double espresso used in the espresso section. The Italian coffee beans used this time are still the old friend of Qianjie store, "sunflower warm sun mixed coffee beans". The extracted coffee also has its own fermented wine flavor and sweet and sour berries.


The production steps are as follows: (today's espresso extraction parameters) 19.8g coffee powder extracted 38g coffee liquid for 28 seconds, then poured into the 200ml glass and set aside.


Then add 160g of mixed juice to the milk tank and use steam to heat the juice to about 55 degrees Celsius and produce a thin layer of fine foam. Finally, mix the heated juice with espresso.


All in all, it really tastes like hot wine! The entrance is like a short-fermented pomegranate wine with the sour and sweet of oranges, followed by the nutty taste of coffee and the taste of chocolate.

But this Flat Red is seasonal. Now is not the best time for pomegranate ripening, can not buy that kind of ruby pulp pomegranate, the pomegranate juice squeezed out is only a light red, after adding orange juice, the red is not particularly prominent.

If it is the pomegranate harvest season, the overall sweet and sour coffee and the aroma of the pomegranate will be fuller, and the color of the coffee will be more red.