Coffee review

When you start a coffee shop, the first bucket of money comes from selling equipment.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop is regarded as one of the heaviest businesses of this century, and the coffee industry continues to attract countless people yearning for "poetry and distance" to join it and start their own business. However, in the face of the cruel reality of doing business for the first time, how many people have no choice but to start a business

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Hailed as one of the heaviest businesses of this century, the coffee industry continues to attract countless people yearning for "poetry and distance" to start their own business. However, in the face of the cruel reality of doing business for the first time, how many people have no choice but to evolve from an entrepreneurial "ideal utopia" to a "crematorium" with second-hand equipment.

Second-hand coffee equipment "overcrowded" warehouse

Recently, recyclers of second-hand equipment around the country have posted on the Internet that warehouses have been filled with recovered depreciated coffee equipment as a large number of coffee shops close.


In one video, merchants trading second-hand coffee machines show warehouses full of equipment, and several coffee machines and bean grinders are lined up on the table and floor, almost all of which are brand models commonly used in cafes on the market, with prices ranging from thousands to tens of thousands.

According to these operators, most of the machines in the warehouse were recovered in the past two or three months, especially when the purchase volume began to surge in June. "the coffee equipment recycled in the warehouse exploded at the end of June." Among the shops that sell equipment, there are not only old ones that have survived the epidemic for several years, but also new ones that have only opened for a few months. It seems that after experiencing the "retaliatory store opening" at the beginning of the year, it has now ushered in a new wave of "centralized shop closure".


The self-mockery of "losing money Cafe"

After watching the "exploding orders" of second-hand equipment operators, let's turn our attention to those businessmen who are still sticking to it.

In the face of daily losses that cannot make ends meet, instead of feeling sorry for themselves every day, many coffee makers choose to start the mode of self-mockery on social networks: "using love to generate electricity", "how bad the business of coffee shops can be", "countdown to closing shops", "losing money cafes".


Whenever the manager of a coffee shop laughs at himself, he always attracts independent shopkeepers who are also in a dilemma, telling their "misery" in the comment area. "the daily turnover is 78. Half of them are friends who come to buy coffee", "play two jobs outside to raise coffee shop clerks", "several snow pots are broken, and few people drink coffee." There are a lot of people trying to get by.


Stop the loss in time, the first bucket of money came from the coffee machine.

In preparation for the opening stage, how many people hold a beautiful vision, from site selection, decoration, purchase of equipment, implementation of the menu, step by step to create a cafe close to their ideal, looking forward to the official opening will be a picture of a cloud of customers. However, in the current era of the coffee industry, like it or not, as long as the income is difficult to maintain daily expenses, most people eventually have to succumb to reality. Thinking that if it ends as soon as possible, it may also be able to stop the loss in time so as not to lose too much.

In the face of the unstoppable transformation of the coffee industry, in addition to quickly transferring the shop space, selling the valuable equipment in the store has become a top priority. Looking back on the cost of opening the store, many people spent NT $30,000 to NT $50,000 on the espresso machine alone, but a cup of American style and latte was only NT $20, and there were not many cups all day. As a result, the depreciated second-hand coffee equipment on the bar became the first bucket of gold since the store opened.


Opening a coffee shop is a business after all.

Nowadays, almost all coffee chains have opened the mode of rapid store expansion, pushing new products around every three or five times, and some even do not hesitate to join the long-term price war of 9.9 yuan, such as Luckin Coffee, who is often on the best-selling list. In the increasingly fierce competition, whether it is the old store that has been standing for many years, the store that finally sees the hope of profit after the opening of the epidemic, or the new players who just joined the game at the beginning of the year, everyone feels more or less pressure.

At the moment, you, who are also preparing to open a cafe, really need to think twice!

Picture from: Internet

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