Coffee review

Starbucks mooncake trial netizens: if you eat too much, customers will not buy it.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop recently, a netizen uploaded a picture on the social platform, saying that he had encountered a mooncake taste while drinking coffee at Starbucks. Take a look, there is only a small piece of black moon cake skin? Oh no, what kind of taste can this taste? Feel chewed the most.

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Recently, some netizens uploaded a picture on the social platform, saying that they had encountered a mooncake tasting while drinking coffee at Starbucks. Take a look, there is only a small piece of black moon cake skin? Oh no, what kind of taste can this taste? It felt like two chews at most, and it was swallowed.


When netizens in the comment area saw the picture, they couldn't help asking the doubt in everyone's heart: is that all? And waste a carton? (emmmm)


Seeing this black mooncake skin, many netizens showed their wild imagination on the spot. Some said, "I thought I cut a brake pad for you." some said it was like a bicycle pedal, while others thought it was more like a shoe sole or insole.


Another netizen said: "I thought Starbucks gave you a bite."


At this time, some netizens who claimed to be Starbucks employees made it clear that they were "careful": our family should cut it thinly, don't let people taste it, and customers won't buy it if they eat too much, because it's really not that delicious. A netizen immediately replied: reasonable!


Search the social platform for keywords such as "Starbucks taste" and you can see that even a small piece of mooncake is in the shape of a cone, at least you can taste the stuffing and look less "shabby".


Even if it is cut in another way, first cut along the cross section, and then divided into eight pieces, which is twice as much as the original direct cutting of eight pieces, and can be distributed to more people to try, but its shape is still triangular. Compared with the piece posted by the blogger, the difference is not a little bit, the blogger's piece has no stuffing, only a mooncake crust.


Is it true that, as netizens say, they are afraid that customers will not want to buy if they eat too much, so that they will cut so little? You know, in the past, Starbucks' favorite sales method was "emotional". Every day, many cakes were tasted to regular customers, making them "eat people with short mouths." all the regular customers were embarrassed, so they placed orders one after another.

Some netizens said that they tried half of it in the shop last time, and the clerk was afraid that it would feel sweet, so he even made a cup of hand to relieve his boredom.


Not long ago, Starbucks was exposed that employees were asked to buy mooncakes to brush, and officials responded quickly: there was no rule requiring employees to 'brush orders', adding: "any brushing or falsifying spending records is not allowed." if there is a similar situation, you can call the official phone to complain. "

Although Starbucks has never admitted that it will arrange KPI for everyone, there are always a lot of complaints and even some "mooncake incentive boards" on social platforms. Netizens said that this is not called a motivation board, but should be called a pressure board. Although the blogger's tasting may be an exception, unknown onlookers will mistakenly think that this is the normal tasting weight.


Picture from: Internet

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