Coffee review

Now! Do you drink coffee in pots?!

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop with the popularity of coffee culture, people gradually begin to develop drinking coffee, and it has become a daily rigid demand for migrant workers. There may be iced American coffee in their blood more or less. With the appearance of large-capacity iced coffee in South Korea earlier.

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With the popularization of coffee culture, people gradually begin to develop drinking coffee, which has become a daily rigid demand for workers. Maybe there is iced American coffee in their blood.


As South Korea's large-capacity iced coffee appeared in everyone's field of vision earlier, it made everyone envy. Nowadays, "1L Ice American Coffee", "ton barrel Ice American Coffee", "Super large Cup 4 shot" and "2.1L extra large Coffee liquid" are gradually appearing in China. Many super-capacity iced coffee seems to be quietly competing with "who is the bigger cup" and "more cost-effective".


Recently, on the social platform, a coffee shop in Shanghai has launched a super-large basin of "1500ml" iced American coffee.


Subsequently, many workers said in the comments section, "after drinking this bucket in the morning, their eyes will be open like bronze bells in the wee hours of the morning,"I am already very tired at work, and I have to renew my life for the company with my own money," and "do I have to go on this shift?" After drinking, the heart can't say: this is a high-end game. From the regular 300ml to the current 1L of water, and then to 1.5L ice American coffee filled with "ton bucket" and "basin".


Such iced coffee has visual impact, easy to form memory points and secondary transmission, full of a large cup, a bucket, large capacity, first from the appearance to achieve a very eye-catching effect, but also become synonymous with "cost-effective".

In the face of such a large amount of iced coffee, some netizens think that "it's not good for your health", "if you drink too much coffee, it's easy to have palpitations, heartbeat, insomnia," and "just look at the degree of palpitations." Although drinking coffee in moderation can improve productivity and everyone has different tolerance to caffeine, it is not recommended to drink too much coffee for a long time.


In fact, as early as some time ago, some coffee brands have begun to join the ranks of high-capacity clothes, such as Seesaw Coffee, although the brand is officially positioned as accompanying sharing equipment, but for workers, no one is going to sleep tonight after drinking all night overtime (it doesn't matter to write 15 plans at a time).


In addition to chain coffee brands making changes in the number of optional cups, prefabricated coffee has already launched super-large brands earlier. For example, South Korean brand onlyprice has previously launched 2.1L coffee liquid, but looking at this amount, you can drink for a day to commute, which is absolutely refreshing.

For contemporary workers who have become accustomed to drinking coffee, drinking a large cup of iced coffee on commuting days is enough to refresh people all day and finish their workload on time. No wonder netizens refer to these "pots" of coffee as "life-ending artifacts for beating workers".

Photo Source: Internet

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