Coffee review

Coquettish? The indecent words appear in the Starbucks Cup.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Recently, some netizens revealed that when they were spending at Starbucks, there was a word "coquettish" printed on the cup? It is said that on the afternoon of November 2, the netizen went to buy drinks at a Starbucks in Nanjing. The clerk told her that if she placed an order for two drinks at a time, she could get a free cupcake. Netizens think it's a good deal, so it's convenient.

Recently, some netizens revealed that when they were spending at Starbucks, there was a word "coquettish" printed on the cup?


It is said that on the afternoon of November 2, the netizen went to buy drinks at a Starbucks in Nanjing. The clerk told her that if she placed an order for two drinks at a time, she could get a free cupcake. Netizens thought it was a good deal, so they agreed to each other's suggestion and spent 58 yuan on two coffee drinks and a small cake.

However, after going out, she found that on the label of one of the drinks, in addition to the product-related information, there was also a separate line of the word "Sao".


On this word, some netizens speculated that perhaps the staff of the store typed the wrong word and turned the word "less ice" into "burning". But the idea was then overturned by other netizens: "is it possible that this kind of list is generated automatically?"


Most netizens suggested that the name on the cup body sticker may be the name defined by the customer. "isn't that her own WeChat name? Members who use Wechat to scan the code. " "this position is the nickname of the membership card. I suggest you take a look at your nickname in the APP." "this sticker seems to be a custom nickname for users who automatically print online orders."


The store explained at the time that they gave her a "over 80 minus 30" coupon, using a clerk's account number, and the word "Sao" was the clerk's ID in APP, which was automatically generated on the tag. At the scene, the store withdrew the drink and poured it out, upgrading her to make an oversized drink.

However, the netizen concerned recognized the loophole and said: "when I placed the order, I was not told to use any coupons." And it also involves the problem of points, where you steal the customer's points without telling the customer. " The netizen also questioned that Starbucks employees made the difference: "he used more than 80-30 coupons among the employees and then sold me the original price."


The head of the store said it was a misunderstanding, according to the Polar News. The clerk did give her a "over 80 minus 30" coupon, with two drinks and a small cake at the original price of 88 yuan, which was only 58 yuan after the discount. The coupon was downloaded by a shop assistant from the company's regular customers, and it expired one day later, and the clerk who received the customer that day recommended her to use it. "the indecent word, which is the ID name of the clerk who downloaded the coupon, is automatically generated on the drink label printed by POS. We can't type on the POS, and we can't intentionally type such a word on the label. "

Subsequently, the store asked for a refund, but was rejected by the party, she said she did not need a refund, only asked the store to use text or video to formally explain to her what happened and apologize. If there is an ID clerk named "Sao", she hopes to meet this person and confirm that it is true. At present, the store did not agree to these requirements of the netizen. The person in charge of the store said: "We meant no harm from beginning to end, and we have been actively dealing with it since the incident." So far, the two sides have not reached a settlement.

Friends familiar with the Starbucks ordering system may know that the address on the Starbucks label is usually the user's name, and further investigation is needed as to whether the indecent address in the incident was a consumer or a clerk, intentional or unintentional.

Photo Source: Internet

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