Coffee review

Coffee tourism is booming in Tanzania

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Agricultural tourism is described as the combination of agricultural production (or processing) and tourism to attract tourists to farms, pastures or other agricultural enterprises for entertainment or study, while generating income for related places. In Tanzania, coffee tourism is on the rise. Tourists fly from all over the world to Tanzania to visit coffee farmers

Agricultural tourism is described as the combination of agricultural production (or processing) and tourism to attract tourists to farms, pastures or other agricultural enterprises for entertainment or study, while generating income for related places. In Tanzania, coffee tourism is on the rise. Tourists fly from all over the world to visit coffee farms in Tanzania and take a stroll in the coffee forest, during which they can pick and grind coffee beans and make their own cup of coffee.

Daniel Joachim is a coffee tour guide in Arusha, northern Tanzania. According to him, coffee is an essential thing for Western adults every morning, but many people have never seen raw coffee beans, let alone coffee trees, so he feels obliged to show people the whole process of coffee from the farm to the cup.


He said that before the popularity of coffee tourism in Arusha, whenever someone used Google Maps to search for "coffee tourism", the relevant search results only showed Ethiopia. So he decided to keep posting online information about coffee tourism in Tanzania while improving services in order to distinguish them from those provided by Ethiopia.


Daniel transformed his farm in tengeru, Arusha, into a coffee farm to attract coffee tourists. At the same time, Daniel and his staff will cook local specialties such as Ugali and nyama choma, and adjust dishes according to the eating habits of guests in different regions.

Seeing the progress Daniel has made in coffee farm tourism, local young people decided to explore. At first, they just handed out handwritten flyers to promote their services in popular restaurants around Arusha, but now tourists have begun to contact them.


It is reported that coffee tourism in Arusha reached its peak as early as 2013, with tourists choosing a coffee trip after their safari and relaxing for a while after a wild trip. Now, tourists fly in from Europe, Japan and the United States to visit coffee farms and experience local life.


However, coffee tourism is not yet considered a mainstream activity in Tanzania, as the country's main tourism programs are safari and national parks, and only 10 of the 200 travel companies currently offer coffee tourism services.

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