Coffee review

Bathroom matching can also make the coffee shop out of the circle!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Coffee lovers should know that coffee is not only refreshing, but also helps defecation. I don't know since when, the bathroom has become one of the criteria to measure whether a coffee shop is comfortable or not. Recently, a netizen from Shandong is on the social platform.

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Friends who like to drink coffee should know that coffee is not only refreshing, but also conducive to defecation. I don't know since when, the bathroom has become one of the criteria to measure whether a coffee shop is comfortable or not. Recently, a netizen from Shandong posted a post on the social platform and counted some of the coffee shops he had visited from the bathroom experience.


As can be seen from the content of the post, in order to avoid the embarrassment of seeing uncomfortable dirt and flushing unclean toilets, clean hygiene and flushing power are necessary prerequisites in these relaxing toilets. Daily necessities such as spacious and ventilated toilets, no smell, good fragrance, disposable toilet seats, wipes, sanitary napkins, hand cream and other daily necessities are added.

In addition, the separation of dry and wet, appropriate spatial layout and moving line of items placed, easy to use, so that the good feeling straight up!


Netizens have shared what is in the bathroom with good experience in the comments area: "with background music, it can ease the mood and avoid embarrassment when going to the toilet."

"there is aromatherapy! Hair rings and all kinds of clips! "

"it's nice to have a smart toilet!" "recommended!"

Passers-by can't help saying, "good boy!" Out of the circle in a strange way.


"going to the toilet" is everyone's most basic physical need. Whether there is a bathroom in the store is a question that most consumers often ask before they go to the cafe or in the store, and most people hope that it can be solved nearby and conveniently. However, some shops recommend guests to nearby public toilets because of their small size, while some coffee shops do not allow customers to use large size in the bathroom because of sewer problems or unbearable behavior.


Those coffee shops that do not set up toilet regulations and complete facilities in the bathroom not only meet the physiological needs of customers, but also provide customers with a good experience. Why can these "advanced" configurations be bonus points? Why some people use "bathroom" as a measure of whether a coffee shop is comfortable or not, the author of the post also put forward his own point of view:


From the coffee shop's point of view, this comfortable and satisfying experience will leave a deep impression on customers. They enjoy coffee and dessert in the coffee shop, chat with friends, study, work and kill time in the shop. When you go to the toilet, you find that the environment is good, the layout is thoughtful, and there is no discomfort or even surprise in the experience, then there is a good chance that guests will choose to be repeat customers. For the sake of customers, by serving customers well in these often neglected experiences, newcomers may become regular customers and even help coffee shops expand their customer base through word of mouth, which may lead to a win-win result.

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