Coffee review

Rage! Refuse to flash backhand and get bad reviews?!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop in recent years, competition among chain coffee brands and the economic downturn after the epidemic have increased the survival pressure of independent coffee shops. Many small coffee shops that have survived the epidemic for three years have closed down after the end of the epidemic, mostly because of the economy.

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In recent years, various factors such as the competition among chain coffee brands and the economic downturn after the epidemic have increased the survival pressure of independent coffee shops. Many small coffee shops that have survived the epidemic for three years have closed down after the end of the epidemic. Most shopkeepers choose to stop their losses in time because of economic problems, but some coffee shopkeepers lose the motivation to continue to operate because of the troubles encountered in the process of opening a shop. And choose to close the store.

The owner of a coffee shop was hurt by the bad comments of his customers, and the representations failed on the platform, thus giving rise to the negative idea of "opening one day at a time".

The shopkeeper described that he had recently received a bad comment complaining about the poor service attitude of the coffee shop, "I don't know what the boss is noble about." If the customer reaction is true, the shopkeeper will not have negative thoughts, but the problem is that the customer evaluation is not consistent with the facts, so the shopkeeper is particularly aggrieved.

It is reported that the customer ignored the warning posted at the door that "do not engage in commercial or portrait shooting" and used a flash to take pictures in the store. The employee explained to him that the customer continued to shoot on the grounds of "pulling the marriage license to take a photo as a souvenir", and the shopkeeper stopped in a good mood not to destroy the guests. Unexpectedly, customers who spent more than an hour taking pictures in the store gave a bad comment after going out and gave themselves a label of "bad attitude". The shop owner said bluntly that he "felt helpless".

In order to seek the characteristics of the independent coffee shop, many owners will pay attention to the decoration of the store, so the exquisite decoration and good environmental atmosphere of the store have attracted many young people to visit the store and clock in, putting carefully taken photos on the social platform, which virtually increases the attention of the independent coffee shop.

If it is only the spontaneous behavior of customers, coffee shop owners are also happy to see its success. After all, public praise is not easy to come by. However, most of the photographers who come uninvited with professional equipment such as long guns and short guns and flash lights and take pictures for an hour or two in a store with limited space, no matter the shopkeeper or other guests in the store, do not welcome such customers.

"it's really annoying that people who shoot flash lights everywhere in the store know that it will affect other people's dining experience."as a consumer, I don't like this kind of patting. Affect others", "really drink and see those who keep taking pictures, I also feel dizzy."as a dry diner, I really don't like people standing around for a long time." .

Therefore, many coffee shops have reminders such as "no commercial shooting" and "no flash" to clarify the rules and avoid conflicts before customers enter the shop. But even so, it is inevitable to have an argument with customers who do not notice the reminder, and then get bad reviews.

Life or work is ultimately dull. If you meet lovely guests and gain a small fortune in opening business day after day, you will have more motivation to continue business tomorrow. But if you encounter such a bad customer, coffee shop owners probably just want to put it rotten, "when one day and still ring the bell for one day".

Picture from: Internet

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