Coffee review

Why is cold coffee always more expensive than American style? The difference between cold extract and ordinary American coffee

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Black coffee means that there is no substance added to this cup of coffee that can affect the taste of coffee except water and coffee. Therefore, American style, hand brewing, cold extract, mocha pot coffee and so on all belong to black coffee with only water added. Then some careful students found that cold-extracted coffee is always higher than "coffee".

Black coffee means that there is no substance added to this cup of coffee that can affect the taste of coffee except water and coffee. Therefore, American style, hand brewing, cold extract, mocha pot coffee and so on all belong to black coffee with only water added.

Then some careful students found that cold-extracted coffee is always higher than "coffee". In most coffee shops, the price of cold-extracted coffee is the highest in the black category! The high price is in sharp contrast to the inexpensive American style! So the question arises: why is the price of cold coffee higher than that of American coffee?

Cafe Americano

Speaking of American coffee, you must be very familiar with it. Qianjie coffee has been shared many times. You only need to mix the extracted espresso with the right proportion of water to become American coffee. Then, you can also change the temperature of American coffee according to your preference: concentrate and heat water if you like hot American style, concentrate and add ice water if you like ice, which is very flexible and easy to make.

Cold extracted coffee

Cold extraction coffee has a wide range. Ice droplets and cold bubbles all belong to cold extraction coffee! Because, in fact, "cold extraction" does not only refer to a kind of coffee, but a way of extraction of coffee.

It is reasonable that almost all coffee making except cold extraction uses hot water to extract aromatic substances. Like the iced American coffee and ice hand flushing that we often drink, we all use hot water to extract aromatic substances and add ice cubes to cool down, so as to achieve the effect of ice drink. Only cold extraction coffee is extracted directly with ice water! And the difference in water temperature is part of the reason for the price difference!

I. time difference caused by water temperature

The extraction efficiency of hot water is high, so it only takes a few minutes for hot water to extract all the aroma substances from coffee, while the extraction efficiency of ice water is the opposite. Very slow! Therefore, it needs more time to obtain enough aroma substances.

Take the easier cold-soaked coffee (commonly known as cold-soaked coffee). A pot of cold-soaked coffee with a good taste takes at least 8 hours to soak, not to mention tedious ice-drop coffee. Therefore, this long waiting time is one of the costs of production! Of course, this cost is only a small part, and the main price difference lies in the beans used!

Second, the difference in the use of coffee beans

American coffee is a black coffee made by adding water and Italian concentrate as the base. In addition to American style, espresso needs to take into account lattes, cabs, mocha, macchiato and other fancy milk coffee products, which requires a certain degree of roasting of coffee beans!

If the roasting degree is light, then the fresh taste of the coffee can easily be overshadowed by milk, so deeper roasting is needed to give the coffee a heavier flavor, so that the rich and mellow taste of milk can be overshadowed. But for this reason, the flavor of beans is basically fixed on the mellow taste of deep baking, such as caramel, chocolate, cream, cookies and so on. No matter how good your beans are, the taste difference under deep baking will not be too big. As a result, commercial matching beans has become the first choice of the major merchants!

Commercial matching beans refers to the use of commercial beans from more than two producing areas, even if a bean has quality problems due to climate or other factors in the coming year, a similar flavor can be found elsewhere to replace it! Moreover, because deep roasting reduces the gap between commercial coffee beans and boutique coffee beans, people will naturally prefer commercial coffee beans with suitable prices.

The beans used in cold extraction coffee are mainly boutique coffee beans that pay attention to flavor, which can be traced back to the source information very finely, no matter from the variety, planting environment, roasting degree, processing and so on. Its flavor will also be better than commercial coffee beans! Of course, in order to get a concrete flavor, the requirements for planting will be higher, and the cost will naturally go up. After layers of accumulation, the price of beans will be higher than that of commercial coffee beans.

To sum up, the production process and the cost of beans are the source of the difference between cold extraction and American prices. Of course, like Qianjie Coffee, some stores will use the fine beans that should be used for hand-made single products as the basis for Italian blending, but compared with the cold extraction process and the amount of beans used, the price will still be lower.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province