Coffee review

Bring your own cup with new requirements?! Manner refused to play coffee!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ click to follow | Daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop with the improvement of the quality of life, coffee has become an indispensable part of many people's daily life. In this era of pursuit of quality and taste, Manner coffee has gradually become a domestic coffee because of its high-quality drink taste and unique cultural connotation.

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With the improvement of the quality of life, coffee has become an indispensable part of many people's daily life. In this era of pursuit of quality and taste, Manner coffee has gradually become the leader of domestic boutique coffee because of its high-quality drink taste and unique cultural connotation.

However, this coffee brand is not only satisfied with providing high-quality coffee to consumers, but also focuses on the field of environmental protection. For the sake of environmental protection, Manner Coffee offers a discount of 5 yuan for customers who bring their own non-disposable paper cups to the store to buy coffee.

On February 28th, a controversial comment about Manner Coffee sparked a heated debate on social platforms. "Manner, you might as well cancel bringing your own cup," the netizen said. This remark has been made and has aroused discussion among many consumers who love Manner coffee.

According to the netizen, he saw Manner launch a new product early in the morning, so he took his cup to the store to buy it. But I was told by the clerk that I couldn't, because the cup I brought was oversized, and the new product I ordered was a large cup. Even if netizens are willing to install less, the shop assistant still insists on not doing so. In this regard, netizens said helplessly: "get bored, your family is always buying and giving cups" and "the cups you bring must match the size of the coffee before you can do it."

In the comments section, some netizens said they had encountered a similar situation. When he bought a large cup of coffee at Manner, he brought a small cup with him, but the clerk reminded him to take a quick sip after filling the coffee so that he could put the rest of the milk into the cup. This practice can be seen that, in contrast to the above netizens, the shop assistant still has some flexibility in dealing with the problem of whether the capacity of the coffee matches the capacity of the cup, and there is no need to strictly limit the capacity of the cup.

At the same time, many netizens said that "it still has something to do with the shop assistant", they also encountered endless loading, and stood by to "suck" a mouthful of coffee, and then the shop assistant filled it up again!

Some netizens pointed out that shop assistants may not be able to control themselves in the face of a mismatch in the capacity of their own cups. Considering that stores need to follow a specific formula when making, it may also lead to differences in the taste of coffee products.

Therefore, some netizens believe that even if they encounter shop assistants who make coffee strictly according to electronic scales, they should not be too critical, because they may only follow the formula they learned during training and lack flexibility.

However, it is not the only case that the barista refuses to change when a customer orders from Manner. In fact, for example, some netizens wanted to replace oatmeal milk with regular milk for personal taste reasons and agreed to pay the same amount, but on the first day the barista agreed and thought that customers would not mind a change in taste. The next day a new barista firmly refused the request.

Generally speaking, in today's coffee market, Manner coffee has won the favor of consumers because of its high quality. However, with the development of the brand, how to improve service flexibility and customer experience while maintaining the quality of coffee has become a challenge for Manner. In the face of how to find the key point of balancing quality and service, it is more important to bring consumers a more high-quality coffee experience.

Photo Source: Internet

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