Coffee review

Pull flower introduction small class to share: latte basic pattern "big white heart" how to pull?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Recently, there are more and more friends consulting Lahua backstage in Qianjie, which shows that countless fresh veins are stepping into the field of coffee! Therefore, Qianjie decided to return to its old business, pull a small class, and start the class! What I want to share in Qianjie today is the most basic pattern in Lahua-"Big White Heart". Of course, to learn to pull flowers is to have

Recently, there are more and more friends consulting Lahua backstage in Qianjie, which shows that countless fresh veins are stepping into the field of coffee! Therefore, Qianjie decided to return to its old business, pull a small class, and start the class! What I want to share in Qianjie today is the most basic pattern in Lahua-"Big White Heart".

Of course, to learn to pull flowers is to have a certain premise, that is to be able to send a qualified milk foam that can be used to pull flowers! You don't expect milk to be more sensible and automatically make milk bubbles that can pull flowers, do you? Therefore, friends who do not have the foundation of foam can first move to the front street of "how to get rid of delicate foam?" The article explains in detail; friends who do not have coffee maker steam to get rid of foam can move to "how to get rid of foam without a steam bar?" "this article is reasonable. Although a big heart is a basic figure, it is only for beginners! When you practice diligently and become a master of flower drawing, you will find that you can't make a big heart pattern! Every time I want to make a heart-shaped pattern, the hand will shake a few times uncontrollably, so that the white heart becomes a thousand-layer heart. So rounding up, a big heart is also equal to a high-order pattern! So, next, let's go into the big heart production teaching in Qianjie. Let's start with the main points of its production.

If the thickness of the foam does not reach the target, then it will be difficult to make the corresponding pattern. On the other hand, big white heart has a higher tolerance for milk bubbles, which only requires delicate milk bubbles and rich fluidity. There are no too many restrictions on the thickness of Australian white milk bubbles or the thick milk bubbles of Cabo. It is able to make white milk bubbles (the thinner the more difficult) ~ therefore, it is a relatively friendly pattern for beginners and friends who do not have steam sticks at home to get rid of milk bubbles.

The fusion of milk quantity is the most important step before pattern making! The quality of a fusion will directly affect the cleanliness of the pattern and the difficulty of drawing! But what Qianjie shares this time is a white-hearted flower-drawing tutorial, so friends who want to understand how integration affects cleanliness can move to the article "the importance of flower-drawing integration".

For the big white heart, the issue that needs to be paid attention to during the integration is the "fusion milk quantity"! The more fusion, the higher the milk level, and the weaker the convection during flower drawing; the less the fusion, the lower the milk level, and the stronger the convection during flower drawing! Different patterns have different requirements for convection when drawing flowers. For patterns that need to be slightly embossed, such as leaves and swans, you need to use strong convection to strike out the grain. For flowers like wheat ears, which need to reduce convection to stabilize the pattern, you need to increase the amount of milk fusion! If it is a big heart, it needs a certain amount of convection (strong), but not too much, we only need to merge to the full of 6 points of the cup. Too much fusion will make the heart too small, and too little fusion will make the heart too big or easy to move. This is a point to pay attention to.

The point of the map is a symmetry, which not only refers to the figure, but also the position distribution in the cup! So, if you want to get a good-looking white heart pattern, it not only needs to be symmetrical, but also needs to be right in the center of the cup!

Therefore, when you merge to the full volume of the cup, it is best to inject foam from the quarter point next to the center of the cup (marked in the picture below), combined with the impact of convection, just to keep the white heart in the middle when the cup is full!

The actual operation of the picture is like the size of the hand-brewed coffee, the pull flower also pays attention to the injected milk flow! The more milk you pour in, the fuller the pattern will be! Big white heart is a more full pattern, so we need to use a larger amount of milk to inject into the drawing! While injecting, we need to do two things at the same time! One pushes the pull point, gradually moving from the original quarter point to the center; the other is the right hand holding the coffee cup, which needs to control the cup to gradually stabilize to avoid coffee spill!

Finally, it is the end of the session! This action is very important, and many friends will turn what should be a beautiful pattern into an unlikeness because of the mistake of this action. Therefore, when we reach the full nine points in the flower drawing process, we need to start to prepare for the end! Reduce the amount of milk injected, raise the height of the vat at the same time, and finally go straight to the bottom of the peach heart along the centerline, decisively cut off the flow, at this point, the heart is complete! Let's take a complete look at the production process of a white heart.

It's that simple. Have you learned it?


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