Coffee review

Ethiopian Coffee Bean | introduction of Godding Cooperative Coffee beans in Yega Xuefei producing area

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, In Africa, there are many coffee producing countries, such as Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia and so on. Ethiopia has the largest coffee gene pool in the world and has a wide variety of coffee. It is estimated that there are nearly 15000 coffee varieties in Ethiopia today. It is also recognized as the birthplace of coffee and the largest in Africa.

In Africa, there are many coffee producing countries, such as Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia and so on. Ethiopia has the largest coffee gene pool in the world and has a wide variety of coffee. It is estimated that there are nearly 15000 coffee varieties in Ethiopia. It is also recognized as the birthplace of coffee and the largest Arabica coffee producer in Africa.

Ethiopian coffee

Ethiopia, located on the East African Plateau southwest of the Red Sea, is a landlocked country. It borders Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya and Eritrea. The territory is dominated by mountain plateaus, most of which are Ethiopian plateaus, accounting for 2. 3% of the country's total, and the East African Rift Valley runs through the whole territory, with an average elevation of nearly 3000 meters.

The average elevation in Ethiopia is 2450 meters. Affected by the high altitude, the average annual temperature in Ethiopia is 16 ℃. The climate is cool all the year round. The whole year is roughly divided into dry season and rainy season. The country is rich in water resources, known as the "East African Water Tower" and has nearly 50 volcanoes. Rich in water resources, high-altitude mountain areas, coupled with the fertile soil brought by volcanic ash, is an ideal area for coffee cultivation.

Yega Xuefei Yirgacheffe

Ethiopia has many famous coffee producing areas, such as Sidamo, Jima, Haller, Guji and Yirgacheffe, among which Guji and Yirgacheffe originally belonged to Sidamo, but became an independent coffee producing area because of their unique flavor.

Yegashafi is a small town in Ethiopia, northwest of Sidamo Province, is one of the highest producing areas in Ethiopia, at an altitude of 1750-2200 meters. The area has been a wetland since ancient times. In ancient times, Yirga means to settle down, while Cheffe means wetlands, so the humid climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land and plenty of sunlight make the area very suitable for coffee cultivation and give birth to coffee beans with unique floral and fruity aromas and unpredictable unique flavor. Qianjie Coffee has a washed Ethiopian Yejasuffi coffee bean, as an entry selection, with jasmine, lemon-like acidity, orange, berries and other fruit flavor, fresh and silky taste.

Guodingding Cooperative Banko Gotiti Cooperative

Kochere and Gedeb are one of several well-known sub-regions under Yega Sheffield. Godibe is a township 60 kilometers from the town of Yega Sheffield, and Godibe produces coffee in villages such as WorkaSakaro, Halo Bariti, Banko Gotiti and Banko Dahato.

The Guotintin Cooperative was originally part of the Waka Cooperative under the YCFCU of the Yega Sheffield Union. Later, with the pursuit of the traceability of coffee beans, about 300 farmers set up the Guotingding Cooperative independently in 2012. Guodingding Village was the first village area to be independent, and many farmers were members of the Woka Cooperative, so the planting technology was OK. The farmers here will hand over the coffee berries they grow to the cooperative for unified treatment.

Qianjie Coffee Ethiopia Yega Xuefei Fruit Tintin Cooperative Coffee Bean production area: Yega Xuefei treatment Station: Fruit Tintin Cooperative altitude: 2000-2100 m treatment: washed varieties: original flavor: floral citrus berry caramel tea

Qianjie Coffee beans this Ethiopian Fruit Ding Cooperative Coffee beans are washed and roasted in a light degree. The Qianjie Coffee beans are used in the front street with the proportion of V60 # # 1 15% and 92 ℃. After cooking, you will smell a touch of flowers, soft lemon acidity in the mouth, citrus, berries and other fruit flavor, like caramel, clean and sweet taste.