Coffee review

Luckin Coffee will completely remove its raw cheese latte products!!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, a news circulated on social platforms: Ruixing's raw cheese latte will soon be removed from the shelves. Last week, a consumer posted saying that they had no raw cheese lattes since they learned from YiRuixing employees. Currently, there is no unified time for going off the market, and the specific time is

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Recently, there has been news on social platforms that Lucky's raw cheese latte is about to be removed from the shelves.

Last week, a consumer posted that they learned from a lucky employee that there was no raw cheese latte in the future. At present, there is no uniform time to go off the market, specifically, after each store has consumed all the materials, it will no longer continue to restock, so the raw cheese latte of this store will be removed from the market naturally.

Nani? Hearing such news, it was like a bolt from the blue for every loyal fan of raw cheese, all shouting no to Rui Xing.

"is it really off the shelves? how can no one buy such a delicious thing?" how can I live if I have a cup of raw cheese a day? "Lucky! why did you take off the raw cheese latte!"Raw cheese latte is off the shelf... my sky is falling..."Cheese concubine, I hear you're leaving me."

"I'm really going to break the defense."

Judging from everyone's reaction, fans are really reluctant to leave their "ceiling" off the shelves like this. After all, their favorite taste is irreplaceable, and after the raw cheese latte is gone, all of a sudden I don't know which coffee to order.

As for the real reason why the drinks were removed from the shelves, a shop assistant said in person that there was nothing else but that it was not easy to sell now. Although orders are placed in individual stores every day, the number of cups is still in the minority, and most stores can only sell one or two cups a day, and the whole box of materials will almost be scrapped the next day after opening, so the loss is so great that it has to be removed from the shelves.

As Ruixing 2022 latte public test champion, raw cheese latte on the market two years ago, with the "unique cheese milk flavor, a fall" characteristics by a large number of consumers. Especially when the raw cheese latte was first launched, it was once the envy of netizens in other cities because it was only available in some cities.

During that period, under the official comment area of Lucky's Little Red Book, netizens often spontaneously formed a "raw cheese latte support group" to urge Ruixing to list it nationwide. Finally, Rui Xing was successfully persuaded by the enthusiasm of the aid delegation that Guan Xuan would sell raw cheese lattes in stores across the country.

However, due to the untimely supply of raw cheese lattes, which just appeared on the market in July, Ruixing suddenly announced that it would be removed from the shelves in September, so this move also triggered dissatisfaction among "true fans of raw cheese" and complained that Ruixing was not sensible.

Until October 10th of that year, Lucky partnered with the famous anime IP "the wonderful Adventure of the Stone Sea of JOJO", and the raw cheese latte was the joint coffee launched at that time. With the enthusiastic support of fans, Lucky's raw cheese latte sold more than 1.31 million cups a day and exceeded 6.59 million cups in seven days. Even if the surrounding inventory is urgent, it will not stop people from wanting a cup of raw cheese latte.

But now it is different from the past, the speed of innovation of "Roll King" Lucky has always been astonishing. Since 2021, hundreds of new products have been launched on time every year, and the product system has long been extended from traditional pure coffee and milk coffee to all kinds of fruit coffee and tea coffee. There is no doubt that customers have more choices, so they will naturally reduce the proportion of classic coffee.

Finally, for fans who really like raw cheese lattes, lucky employees also said that although the classic raw cheese lattes are gone, the new mascarpone raw cheese lattes co-signed with cats and mice last year are still there, and those who like cheese flavor can still place orders.

Picture from: network screenshot

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