Coffee review

Logo War! There are not many symbols left for the coffee shop

Published: 2024-10-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, a netizen wanted to order a drink. When he opened the takeout app, he searched the coffee shop. The interface popped up with a black symbol on a white background. He couldn't help but sigh,"Nowadays, coffee roll calls are so abstract?" This discovery made netizens suddenly open their minds

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Recently, a netizen wanted to order a drink. When he opened the takeout software, he searched the coffee shop, and the black symbol on a white background jumped out of the interface. He could not help feeling, "is coffee naming so abstract now?"

This discovery immediately inspired netizens' thinking, as long as they put all kinds of punctuation marks on the keyboard on a white background, bold, black and shaded, and follow suit, and get a lot of logo that can be used as a brand logo. But some people wonder, will these punctuation marks really appear on the signs of coffee shops?

For this question, everyone in the comment area posted pictures one after another to prove that "there is really"!

Commas, periods, question marks and exclamation marks that are frequently used every day

Double quotation marks

The up arrow opposite the down arrow

Mathematical symbols also join in the fun!

For example: multiplication sign

Approximate equal sign


"Fang Family": square, cube, prescription

Infinite symbol ∞

Numerator, denominator, percent sign

Empty set

Triangle symbol

In addition, there are some special symbols.

Such as # and * on the phone's dial pad

Power on key

And number

The Aite.

Symbols that you can't pronounce even if you see them.

In addition to a single symbol, there are combinations of geometry.

Don't say, it's easy to guess it's a coffee seller.

These dazzling "symbol logo" made netizens say "abstract enough to call the police", while others opened their own input methods, thinking that dozens of more coffee shops could be opened for the special symbols provided on the keyboard, Greek letters, higher mathematics symbols, and so on.

Logo is a brand logo, generally concise and generous and can highlight the brand culture-based, and in order to attract the attention of passers-by, some logo in the design will also pursue uniqueness, bring visual impact, let people read a deep impression.

In order to meet the above "both want and want", special symbols have become the choice of some coffee brands when designing logo, such as% Arabica's "%", Mstand's "M" and so on. As soon as the concise black-and-white logos appear in front of the public, they rely on their own unique success to let its audience remember.

However, more and more "symbol logo" is seen by some people as a copycat, simply imitating this black-and-white simple design style, but unable to convey the brand culture behind it to the public through logos.

In addition, some netizens pointed out that some too small symbols will cause the embarrassment of "only seeing the symbols but not being able to name them", so that when users are better introduced to others, they have to give them another "new store name" that has nothing to do with the brand but is easy to remember.

However, these approachable "shop names" may be a way out of the circle that brand designers can't even think of.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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