Coffee review

Salmon sushi coffee specialty?! Netizen: Don't come over!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Most people who like Japanese food are no strangers to salmon sushi. This common product in Japanese food shops is deeply loved by diners because of its unique taste. However, when this classic Japanese food product appears in coffee shops, many "coffee heads" call it this.

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Most people who like Japanese food are no stranger to salmon sushi, a product common in Japanese restaurants that is popular with diners because of its unique taste, but when this classic Japanese food product appears in coffee shops, it makes many "coffee heads" say how the two collided.

Recently, a coffee shop in Shanghai launched a salmon sushi coffee special with a price of 80 yuan. When many people first heard its name, they first thought of the impact image of putting salmon sashimi on the drink. Unexpectedly, the clerk sent only a cup of drink and an order of "soy sauce" without the salmon that diners imagined, nor did they see the coffee.

Judging from the recipe disclosed by the founder of the store, although the drink is marked with the flavor of mustard salmon sushi, salmon will not be used in actual production. He said that the milky white drink on the left assumed the role of "salmon sushi". The barista uses oatmeal milk and horseradish sauce to simulate the part of the rice, and then uses a milk cover made of avocado and cream to simulate salmon meat, making the whole drink taste like liquid salmon sushi.

The "soy sauce" that customers think is essential to Japanese food is actually a concentrated coffee without grease, horseradish sauce and sugar, which is similar to sushi soy sauce in appearance and taste. According to the shopkeeper, when receiving such a special order, guests can not only taste the two separately, experience the wonderful taste of liquid sushi and the unique taste of coffee soy sauce, but also mix the two to get a cup of milk coffee with unique flavor.

From this point of view, the drink is indeed significantly different from the public impression of those drinks that put sashimi directly into the concentrate. However, netizens are still not optimistic about this novel special tune, "add some beer, Germany, Italy and Japan are offended, and the special name is the Anti-Fascist Alliance" and "Don't come here!" , "this is not coffee, this is a cup. Soup", "A sip may go to heaven", "I have seen it three times to determine what kind of food this belongs to".

Many netizens said that even though the drink looked ordinary, its flavor description made people afraid to try it easily, for fear that if they were careful, they would "step on the minefield and lose money." some people said bluntly that they might as well buy a cup of coffee and a salmon sashimi. Match it with a cup of real salmon coffee.

However, there are always a lot of adventurous consumers. They rushed to the scene to clock in, witnessed the barista's entire production process, and looked forward to taking a sip of the strange-sounding drink. Consumers who have tried are overjoyed, saying that although there is no salmon in the ingredients, they do have a similar taste.

These customers think that although this special tune sounds special, it looks like an innovative product that is easy to turn over, but the actual taste is not so difficult to accept, and many people say it tastes good. As a netizen said, the special taste of coffee looks strange, but if you don't try it yourself, how do you know if this cup of salmon sushi is a dark dish or a delicacy.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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