Coffee review

Claim 1000 yuan! Lucky Coffee has been exposed to be sold for light food and has expired for 2 months!

Published: 2024-10-26 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/26, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Yesterday evening, a consumer posted a complaint complaining about Lucky. Because the cake purchased had passed the shelf life of more than two months, they contacted customer service and demanded compensation of 1000 yuan, but the other party gave 10 coffee coupons compensation plan. According to this netizen's feedback, September

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Last night, a consumer posted a complaint about Lucky, because the cake was more than two months past its expiration date, so he contacted the customer service and asked for 1000 yuan in compensation, but the other party gave a compensation plan for 10 coffee coupons.

According to the netizen, on Sept. 21, she placed an order for a cup of coffee and a piece of half-cooked cheese in Ruixing, and was about to enjoy it when she found that the cake had expired. According to the outer packaging, the cake was produced on January 15, 2024, with a shelf life of six months, while the sale time on the blue label was September 21, 2024, which means the cake she bought that day was two months overdue.

According to the provisions of the Food Safety Law, for the production of food that does not meet the food safety standards or the operation of food that knowingly does not meet the food safety standards, consumers, in addition to demanding compensation for losses, may also demand 10 times the price or 3 times the loss from the producer or operator; if the amount of compensation is less than 1000 yuan, it shall be 1000 yuan.

After discovering that the cake was out of date, she immediately contacted Ruixing customer service for feedback and submitted a 1,000 yuan compensation request in accordance with the relevant regulations she had learned. the other party said that she would give feedback, and a commissioner would contact her on the matter later. The next day, another lucky customer service called and said that the person in charge of the store where she placed the order was checking the same type of products, but did not find the relevant nodes (that is, no other expired food in the store). For the expired cake she bought, the customer service offered to compensate her with ten coffee coupons.

As for the "alternative plan" given by Rui Xing, she said it was really unacceptable. First of all, whether the store manager has found expired food or not, it is true that the cake in her hand has exceeded its expiration date by two months; second, she thinks that if the cake is only a day or two overdue, it is still reluctantly acceptable. it is outrageous that a product that has expired for more than two months has not been found and continues to be sold.

Perhaps feeling the dissatisfaction of the poster, and under the conclusive evidence, the customer service quickly changed the compensation plan to 300 yuan, plus ten coffee coupons, but she still refused, and she hoped that Lucky would face up to the demands of consumers and pay compensation in accordance with her original proposal.

In this regard, many netizens who claimed to be lucky hit workers added in the comment area that since this kind of light food in the store is a purchased product, it usually comes with two packages, one is the transparent original packaging brought by the manufacturer, and it has the real production date and shelf life of the product on it. The other is the blue label provided by Ruixing, because it is frozen when it is delivered, so employees need to take it out in advance and go through the single-screen machine and print expiration date (usually it can be kept for 2-3 days). And in the daily replenishment, in strict accordance with the "first-in, first-out" principle, regular inventory and inspection, found that the same day abandoned, so it is reasonable that there will not be expired.

However, in this hotly debated incident, light snacks were not found to be sold after more than two months, indicating that the lucky company involved did not strictly implement the above regulations and did not pay enough attention to the food safety issues in the store, as an employee on duty, failing to check out expired food in time is a dereliction of duty and should be punished.

In the eyes of many workers, Rui Xing's management system for store production is the same as his hygiene requirements, which is notoriously strict among his peers. According to Lucky's past "precedent", self-owned stores selling expired food, whether cakes or nuts, are likely to face the consequences of "total dismissal" or "closure and rectification", such as the "half-ripe cheese" exposed this time. They were soon sent to their respective group chats by the store managers to be wary of their colleagues.

With regard to the follow-up to this matter, according to the consumers themselves, Rui Lucky finally compensated her in accordance with the amount of food safety regulations at noon today.

Picture from: Internet

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