Coffee review

Are the nodes of the tin card coffee tree long or short? Where was the iron pickup truck variety first discovered?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, As one of the oldest varieties of Arabica, Tienka plays an extremely important role in the history of coffee. At the same time, because it often has excellent flavor performance in the cup and has clear iconic characteristics in appearance, it also allows Many enthusiasts take the initiative to understand the story behind this classic variety. Iron pickup varieties

As one of the oldest varieties of Arabica, Ironpika has played an extremely important role in the history of coffee. At the same time, because it often has excellent flavor performance and distinctive appearance in the cup, it also allows many enthusiasts to take the initiative to understand the story behind this classic variety.

The iron pickup variety is currently recognized as the prototype of all Arabica coffee varieties. it can be traced back to the birthplace of coffee in southwestern Ethiopia, so it is one of the most important varieties of Arabica coffee.

Although it was born in Ethiopia and was introduced into the Arabian Peninsula in the 9th century, it was not until 1913 that it was given the scientific name "Coffea acrabica L. Var. Typica Cramer", meaning: coffee, Arabian species, Linnai, variety, Itsuka, Kramo. The nominee wanted to express it as a typical variety of Arabica, so it was given the name typica to show the meaning of "typical".

Because the coffee tree has very distinct characteristics, so the iron card is also considered to be the most easily identified species. Compared with other Arabica coffee, the biggest feature of the iron pickup is the reddish bronze color of the young leaves at the top, so it is also called "red top coffee".

In addition, its tree shape is conical, the branches are slightly inclined, the lateral branches form an angle of 50-70 °with the vertical stem, the whole trunk is thin, the branches are very thin, and its height and long branch characteristics, when planting tin card tree, there needs to be enough space between the plants. The plants of ancient iron pickups are taller, about 5 meters / 16.5 feet, so they are not very suitable for manual picking. This height also means that the distance between branches and between two nodes on the same branch is longer than that of other varieties.

The coffee beans produced by the iron pickup are large, long and pointed at both ends, a bit like an egg. When the cup is tested, it often shows sour flavors such as citrus, with a sweet aftertaste, and is praised by many people as elegant and clear coffee beans. The only drawback is that the output of the iron pickup is low, and it also has requirements for altitude. At the same time, its disease resistance is very poor, and it is difficult to resist leaf rust and fruit pulp disease. The most common diseases, etc.

Leaf rust is the most serious plant disease, which first appeared in the coffee producing area of Lake Victoria in East Africa in 1861. Since the outbreak of leaf rust in Bathia, Brazil, in 1970, cases of leaf rust have been found one by one in all coffee producing areas in the world. Coffee trees infected with leaf rust are tantamount to an incurable disease that eventually wilts or even dies. Coffee as a cash crop, low yield, weak and sickly tin card is also difficult to achieve the goal of profit, so many growers choose to give up and plant other varieties with better disease resistance.

Different from many coffee varieties, the "delicate" tin card is very picky about the growing environment and needs to grow in a high place without frost, and the higher the altitude is, the significant temperature difference is formed, thus delaying the ripening of coffee fruit and more conducive to the accumulation of flavor substances in coffee. The development of aroma is more full. In addition to high altitude, iron pickup also needs plenty of rainfall, sunshine, fluffy soil with good drainage and fertile soil. From the point of view of cultivation, the region is very limited. The mellow-scented iron pickup, as a high-quality coffee variety, is still grown in small quantities all over the world, the most famous of which is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

It is not easy to grow iron pickup coffee beans with elegant and pure flavor. Every link of congenital local conditions, plant management, fruit picking and post-processing must be fully guaranteed in order to develop a positive flavor and taste of coffee beans. This also means that the production of high-quality iron trucks requires more labor costs and research technology, so there is a reason why Blue Mountain Coffee and Kona Coffee are so expensive.

Different from many other coffee producing areas, Jamaica is a relatively closed island country with unique microclimatic conditions. After more than 200 years of training and adaptation, Blue Mountain Iron pickup has evolved better disease resistance, especially the resistance to rotten fruit disease of coffee is better than that of ordinary iron pickup, and its yield and quality are more stable. Therefore, from Qianjie's point of view, the reason why Blue Mountain Iron pickup can have such a delicate aroma, in addition to the efforts of Jamaican growers, the most important thing is also due to the excellent culture of the Blue Mountains.