Coffee review

How to make latte? Steps to make Latte Latte! What kind of milk is good for latte? What coffee beans are good for milk coffee?

Published: 2024-10-17 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/17, The arrival of autumn and winter has made hot lattes a favorite for everyone again. After all, who wouldn't want to have a heart-warming cup of coffee in a chilly (exaggerated) weather? The key is still so sweet! Therefore, many friends started making hot lattes at home. Because of this, many friends have been received from the front street backstage

With the advent of autumn and winter, the hot latte has once again become the heart of the big guy. After all, who doesn't want to drink a cup of warm coffee in cold (exaggerated) weather? The key is still so sweet! Therefore, many friends started the production of hot lattes at home. Because of this, Qianjie backstage received a lot of friends in the production of lattes problems!

In the consultation message, most people said that the lattes made were not satisfactory in taste and could not always be as fragrant and sweet as the lattes produced in stores. Either the bitterness of the coffee is too prominent, or it is because the milk is too strong to overwhelm the coffee. So today, Qianjie will share how to make a good hot latte with a balanced taste, fragrant and sweet taste.

I. selection of materials

The latte (Latte), though only made of milk and espresso, takes a lot of work to make it mellow and not bitter. The reason why many friends can't make a good latte is that they often focus on the "assembly" of materials and ignore the selection of materials, but they do not realize that the choice of materials and the mastery of technology are equally important for a good latte. After all, the quality of a dish does not just come from the cooking process. As for coffee, the choice of beans will determine the taste of the whole cup of coffee! So, if you want to make a good hot latte, the first thing you have to choose is a suitable coffee bean.

Because the latte will add a lot of milk to balance the taste of the coffee, it will be more demanding on the roasting degree of the coffee beans. If the roasting of coffee beans is too shallow and there is less reaction during roasting, the flavor of the extracted coffee will be easily overshadowed by the taste of milk. Secondly, safflower usually needs green leaves, while the sweetness of lattes also needs to be highlighted by some bitterness. Therefore, in the selection of coffee beans for making milk curry, Qianjie suggests that it is best to choose medium-deep, deep-roasted coffee beans. Because this kind of beans will have a more prominent burning flavor to compete with milk. If we don't want to be too bitter, then we can directly choose medium and deep roasted coffee beans. For example, the warm sun mix used in Qianjie stores is a medium-and deep-baked bean! The coffee extracted by this roasting degree not only does not have too much bitter taste, but also is not easily masked by the taste of milk. the most important thing is that it also has rich oil, pull flowers, taste, and kill two birds with one stone.

Milk is another "protagonist" in addition to concentration for lattes, and milk accounts for up to 80% of a latte, so its choice is also crucial. But unlike coffee beans, the choice of milk depends on the taste of your coffee beans. It goes without saying that whole milk is the first choice. What we need to choose is the milk that is most suitable for current coffee beans among all the whole milk. The milk produced by different manufacturers has different advantages, for example, some milk is characterized by high sweetness, while others are characterized by thick taste and strong milk flavor. It is important to know that these advantages are not suitable for all coffee, and when the milk we use does not match the current bean, coffee not only does not stand out, but even does the opposite. Even though beans and milk are of first-class quality, they don't taste good in combination.

For example, what you are using is a medium-and deep-roasted coffee bean. The extracted coffee has a prominent flavor and is very mellow as a whole. If you use a strong taste and mellow thickness of milk at this time, then the latte will be a little greasy because both sides taste too strong and mellow. Therefore, beans like this need to find a less thick, sweet milk to match. Therefore, a milk that can match the taste of beans is very important! As for the types of milk, you can refer to this article, "Milk Evaluation", with reference to the brand and the value of milk. In terms of taste and taste, you are advised to buy and try it by yourself. after all, the article is a comparison based on the warm sun matching of the previous street.

Second, after the production of the material, then the next step is to make it! Espresso as the base of a latte, the first thing we need to ensure is the balance of sweet, sour and bitter taste. Perhaps this will be more difficult to understand, to put it simply, it is a cup of espresso that tastes neither sharp nor bitter, and tastes very high but acceptable! To do this, we need to find a suitable extraction formula! In general, Qianjie will recommend following the golden formula popular on the Internet as a preliminary adjustment target, such as extracting twice the liquid weight of powder in 25 to 30 seconds (lightly baked beans can be longer) with 18cm 20g powder. Then fine-tune it according to the taste of the coffee. If you don't know how to adjust, friends can move to this article to learn about "how to adjust espresso".

And when we finish adjusting the espresso, the rest is hot milk! Milk can choose either with or without foam. After all, the existence of milk foam is not that important for family coffee. So, if we don't want to be so troublesome, we just need to heat the milk to a range of 60 °C ~ 68 °C to activate the sweetness of lactose. And if we want the coffee to get a more delicate, more dense taste, we can choose to pass the foam! However, as the handling of milk foam is more complicated, we can move to this article to explain "the detailed explanation of milk foam". (you don't need a coffee maker to get rid of it)

The last step in making a good latte is to find the right ratio between milk and coffee! What needs to be adjusted is mainly the amount of milk. after all, there is only so much espresso, and it is of course more convenient for milk than to adjust the extraction. However, Qianjie does not recommend that you directly apply other people's data ratio, because each family uses different coffee beans and milk. Even if it is the same, everyone's taste and concentration are different, and the delicious lattes made by others may not be suitable for you. Therefore, it is most appropriate to adjust according to your own taste.

Usually, lattes have an approximate proportion range, which is 1-1-4-1-1-8. But when it comes to adjustment, it is nothing more than the difference between a little more milk and less milk. If you think the milk is strong, then less milk, and if you think the coffee is strong and a little bitter, then more milk. And when you think that in a certain proportion, this latte tastes great and tastes right to your taste. So congratulations, it shows that this ratio is a golden proportion for you, your beans and your milk. You have successfully made a latte that best suits your taste and material.