Coffee review

"Cut to collapse"! Xi tea employees laugh at themselves for becoming kitchen workers!

Published: 2024-10-16 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/16, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop A few days ago, Xi Tea's "Super Botanical Tea" series added a new member, a red vegetable head beauty bottle. After it was launched, it immediately attracted fans who love fruits and vegetables to order and taste it. It also made many people sigh that Xi tea's update speed on the fruit and vegetable track is far ahead.

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A few days ago, a new member of the "Super Plant Tea" series, Red vegetable head Beautiful bottle, was added to the "Super Plant Tea" series, which immediately attracted fans who loved fruits and vegetables to place orders for tasting, which also made many people feel that the updating speed of tea in the fruit and vegetable track was far ahead.

However, the new product on the shelves is not happy for tea workers at all. Since the introduction of the "Super Plant Tea" series, clerks who deal with fruit and vegetable ingredients in the kitchen have called themselves around pools, chopping boards and smoothie kettles in the operating room from morning till night.

Employees revealed that at first, when there were only "feather clothes slimming bottles", they would wash vegetables and cut apples and lemons at most. Although they could hardly leave the sink and baskets of apples to wash constantly, they could still accept the intensity of the work.

When Xi Tea was put on the shelves of the second new product, "de-fire slimming bottle", the clerk in charge of the kitchen work shouted "can't stand it" on the first day of the new product.

Balsam pear, the main ingredient in the drink, should not only be washed clean, but also be cut, seeded and watered before it can be used for juicing. the whole preparation process is much more tedious than before, and because the juice extracted from fruits and vegetables is limited, when there are many orders, the chef workers become ruthless "juicer tools", and the kitchen operation room is so busy that there is no time to take a breath.

In the past National Day holiday, orders from happy tea stores in many places surged, and the number of orders placed by fans' new favorite fruits and vegetables also rose. Many people said that they had to deal with more than a dozen jin of fruits and vegetables at the end of the day, and there were howls of "washing non-stop", "endless cutting" and "bitter gourd without my fate" one after another.

The high-intensity preparation of raw materials made it unbearable for some workers to speak bluntly, and some even left their favorite tea and broke away from the "bitter sea" of washing vegetables and cutting melons all day. However, there are also hard-working workers who gradually get used to this kind of work intensity, regard the workshop as their own kitchen, and successfully develop a "fast and ruthless" knife skill in their daily assembly line work.

But when the fruit and vegetable series launched new products again, the tea workers saw the red vegetable heads dug out of the soil one by one, and just wanted to kneel and beg for the brand to let them go.

It is understood that in the treatment process of red vegetable head, compared with balsam pear, the staff have to rub mud to the red vegetable head first, wash out the original skin, and then peel, cut into pieces, James water and other operations, before they can mix with apples and other raw materials to extract juice. Many kitchen staff posted their own scene of dealing with red vegetables, teasing themselves as if they were at a "crime scene", with red juice everywhere.

It was the moment when the curling curling exploded that made the beating workers feel even more devastated. Many employees said that because of the objective sales of fruits and vegetables, they had to clean and deal with a large number of fruits and vegetables every day, and the curling curling they worked with was basically overloaded, and occasionally there were strikes such as "turning to smoke" and "explosion". Often encounter such an unfortunate moment, the juice residue spilled from the curling jug is enough to make the beaters physically and mentally exhausted.

Although tea-loving workers can't wait for the brand to get off the fruit and vegetable series, they also know that such cash cow-like best-selling products will not disappear from the menu as they want. the script of "rebirth as a cook in Happy Tea" is far from over.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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