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Transform employment! McDonald's opens its first newsstand in Guangzhou!

Published: 2024-10-16 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/16, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop In the streets and alleys of the city, the newsstands that used to be seen everywhere are now becoming fewer and fewer, and they are no longer found in some places. As once a cultural symbol, today's newsstands have not been closed one after another, but have become a symbol of history.

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In the streets and alleys of the city, the newsstands that used to be everywhere are becoming less and less, and they can no longer be found in some places. As once a cultural symbol, today's newsstands either close their doors and become the mark of history, or transform into "employment" in order to find a better way out.

For example, recently, many netizens were surprised to find that McDonald's had transformed a newsstand into a store in Guangzhou. after seeing the familiar "M" logo, this small window suddenly attracted the attention of Maimen believers and called it creative.

It is understood that this is McDonald's first newsstand window in Guangzhou, located near the Chen ancestral Temple subway station, which mainly sells coffee, breakfast and ice cream, with a transparent cabinet next to it for selling comic books.

From the point of view of the location, the McDonald's newsstand is located at the corner with a large flow of people, which is more suitable for the location needs of McDonald's breakfast restaurants in the past. In addition, in the minds of many people, the newsstand itself is a unique urban landscape, but also carries a lot of urban memories, and the topic of "looking for newsstands" often appears on social networks.

Changing the newsstand into a breakfast shop or coffee shop not only realizes the reuse of idle resources, but also gives full play to the original commercial value of the newsstand, and invisibly arouses the city memory of pedestrians. Under the blessing of the brand effect, in addition to adding a trace of fireworks to life, it can also bring long-term attention. Who doesn't want to reward themselves with a McDonald's cylinder after school or after work?

As the first newsstand pilot, McDonald's said that whether it can be used as a fixed mode of operation in the future and achieve long-term benefits for the brand, but it remains to be seen and needs to be tested by the market for some time.

In fact, KFC overhauled the newsstands in the city a little earlier than McDonald's. In September last year, KFC partnered with Guangzhou newsstand Co., Ltd. to launch the first KCOFFEE newsstand in Guangzhou. The KFC window store, also on the streets of Guangzhou, mainly offers coffee, breakfast, cold drinks and some children's books.

In addition to chain brands such as McDonald's and KFC, newsstands have a wide variety of businesses in the streets of many first-and second-tier cities. For example, traditional media suppliers represented by China Post have chosen to upgrade the old pavilion and turn it into their own stores, while luxury brands such as LV, Tiffany and Gucci will also give priority to newsstands when promoting offline.

Generally speaking, the model of newspaper plus catering can not only gain favor but also promote consumption. As a typical representative of small space, today's newsstands continue to "change" in the hands of various brands, and have become one of the important channels for enterprises to develop business models.

Picture from: network screenshot

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