Coffee review

What are the characteristics of espresso? What are espresso? How to make unpopular espresso coffee with milk? What is red-eye coffee?

Published: 2024-10-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, Espresso is a very large "coffee family." A small serving of espresso can be transformed into a completely different product by adding different ingredients. Not only that, take milk coffee as an example, with more milk, less milk, thinner and thicker milk foam, these different combinations can also be combined to create a coffee with

Espresso is a very large "coffee family", and a small espresso can evolve into a completely different product by adding different ingredients. Not only that, take milk coffee, for example, the milk is a little more and less, and the milk is a little thinner and thicker. These different combinations can also be paired with a brand new coffee with a unique personality.

But also because there are too many items, in addition to those familiar coffee in coffee shops, there are some coffee that many coffee shops will not sell, or the popularity is not very high. There are many reasons for not selling, but most of them can be classified as: the audience is not that wide. Therefore, for this little-known coffee, we generally call it "unpopular" coffee.

So today, Qianjie is going to take an inventory of a few unpopular espresso that rarely or hardly appear in cafes! Look at you in front of the screen, how many styles you have drunk!

Caf è Shakerato in an article the day before yesterday, Qianjie shared how to use a snow kettle to make a chilled salty mocha, but this method is actually borrowed from the Caff è Shakerato coffee. The history of Caff è Shakerato can be traced back to the 1990s, when baristas combined the methods used in blending with coffee making in pursuit of innovation, and Caff è Shakerato was born. The way Caff è Shakerato is made and the materials used are very simple. Just add double espresso and the right amount of ice to the cigar pot and shake it until it is foamy, and then you can end the shaking and pour the coffee into the cup to present to the guest.

Because the melting of ice dilutes the bitterness of coffee, it doesn't taste as high as espresso (isn't that deiced American coffee? ). At the same time, due to the existence of rich foam group, coffee also has a dense sense of touch. It tastes very comfortable and cool. Even, some merchants will default to add sugar, or alcohol and other materials for production, in order to produce a more unique, more acceptable flavor.

PiccoloPiccolo is a kind of milk coffee. In Italian, Piccolo has two meanings. It not only means "small" in itself, but also refers to a musical instrument called Piccolo (a variant of flute). So this cup of milk coffee can be called piccolo or mini latte.

Since it is small, then its cup volume is naturally not large (learn about nonsense literature). The traditional piccolo is the size of a 3-to-4 cup and is made of 15~20ml 's single espresso with 60~80ml steam milk with thin bubbles. Indeed, piccolo cups and materials are only half the size of a latte, so it's not too much to call it a small latte. Although it is rarely seen on domestic menus, piccolo is as hot as Australian white in Australia.

Third, Coffee Cortado Piccolo is small enough! But there is also an unpopular milk coffee is the same small cup, that is-- "Cortado", but Tadot.

But Tadot comes from Spain, and Cortado is derived from the Spanish word "cortar", which means "cut" and "break". Cotadot's coffee is more intense than Piccolo because it uses a 1:1 ratio of concentrated to milk, while Piccolo is a regular latte. So even with the same cup size, Tadot tastes more like espresso with a little milk to dilute the bitterness.

Red eye coffee Red Eye Coffee is a coffee with high caffeine content. Why would you say that? Because, its production ratio is 1:4. The ratio here does not refer to coffee and milk or coffee and water, but to the ratio of espresso to hand coffee! Sounds scary, doesn't it? But some people do need to consume high amounts of caffeine at once to ward off drowsiness, such as the crew of a red-eye flight!

Because red-eye flights need to fly for a long time at night, the crew need such a high concentration of coffee to remove drowsiness in order to ensure that the flight will not be eroded by drowsiness. Because the flavor of coffee is extremely strong, it is not the caffeine content that daily residents need. As a result, this coffee will hardly appear in coffee shops (and because it doesn't taste good) and can only be made by itself. In addition to red-eye coffee, there are higher-concentration upgrades, but those are outrageous.

Caf è CorrettoCaff è Corretto, literally translated as Carrito Coffee, is an espresso with spirits added. This kind of coffee is very popular in Italy, but it has rarely been seen since it went out of the country. This coffee is produced in a special way, because it is not made and served directly by baristas to customers. Instead, the material will be separated and left to the guest to decide the amount of alcohol to add.

"Corretto" means "correction" and "correction" in Italian. In Italy in the last century, local people could not afford to drink coffee because of the high price of coffee, so they found some "substitutes" of coffee to meet the strong demand for coffee, such as grinding it into powder after baking grains close to coke and adding hot water to drink. Although the idea is good, but how, these "Pinti coffee" taste is not good, a little bad. So people think, add some rich flavor, more exciting materials to adjust the taste of coffee. And the height of spirits, has become the best choice. As a result, this practice was widely spread until coffee returned to the eyes of the common people, and it was applied to coffee. And named it with the word "Corretto".

Flat Red Australian White "Flat white" is one of the well-known star products in coffee shops. But I don't know if you have ever understood that in addition to Australia White, there is also a model called "Flat Red" (Australia Red? What about "colored coffee"?

In fact, there is a lot of sharing in Qianjie, Flat Rad is a Ukrainian "limited" coffee (rare outside)! Because Ukrainian people like to drink wine, local coffee shops hope to develop an espresso that is similar in color and taste to wine, but does not contain alcohol. And Flat Rad is under this vision, the birth of special coffee.

Add freshly squeezed red pomegranate and orange juice to espresso to reproduce the color and similar taste of the wine. Vadym Granovskiy, the inventor of Flat Rad, said that at first the juice he chose was blood orange from Sicily, but because the blood orange felt a little astringent after being squeezed into juice, he replaced the material with orange juice and red pomegranate juice.