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Transportation is blocked! Several earthquakes have occurred in Ethiopia in a row

Published: 2024-10-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, According to Ethiopian media reports, Semera University announced that during October 26, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake occurred in the Awash Fentale district of Olomia State. According to a professor of geology at the university, it was released from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the 26th.

According to Ethiopian media reports, the University of Semera announced that an earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale struck the Avashfentale (Awash Fentale) district of Oromia on October 26. According to a professor of geology at the university, there were earthquakes of varying degrees from 11:00 to more than 9 p.m. on the 26th, but fortunately there were no casualties.

According to local residents, the earthquake on the 26th was stronger than any other earthquake, and no one was injured. But this is not the first earthquake in the Awash Fentale region. It is reported that since October this year, a number of earthquake events have occurred in the region, the earliest earthquake event is in the evening of October 6, in addition, October 13 and 16, is still the Avash Fentale (Awash Fentale) a number of earthquake events, but these earthquakes did not cause casualties.

As the region is close to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, it is only about 150 kilometers apart, so earthquakes and tremors are felt in many parts of the capital. According to the head of the Science Department of the Capital Geophysics and Space University, the earthquakes in different parts of the capital were caused by the earthquake in the Awash Fentale region.

At the same time, he said that the recent frequent seismic activity in the region has not stopped, and the earthquake was caused by lava entering the ground, which will not pose a very serious problem in the capital, but because the earthquake occurred in the location of the East African Rift Valley, residents living in and along the Rift Valley are reminded to be vigilant that similar earthquakes may occur again.

However, due to the frequent number of earthquakes, people are also worried, especially in the coffee industry and transportation industry. It is understood that the earthquake area is not only close to the capital, but also very close to the coffee producing area of Haller. The earthquake may damage the soil in these areas and affect its coffee production.

In addition, successive earthquakes may lead to road foundation settlement, ground cracks, road collapse and so on, and some earthquakes occur in mountainous areas, which are easy to cause landslides and may affect the use of roads. Ethiopia is a landlocked country, its exports and imports depend on the port of neighbouring Djibouti, and the Avash region is one of the main routes through the port of Djibouti, so the earthquake may have a certain impact on the export or import transportation of products such as coffee.

Moreover, shipping at the port of Djibouti at the southern entrance of the Red Sea has been seriously affected due to the intensification of the Red Sea crisis, resulting in the accumulation of Ethiopian coffee at the port of Djibouti, which could be exacerbated by delays in transport if there are current road problems.

But at present, the biggest problems for the Ethiopian coffee industry are still regional security and exchange rate issues. At present, the war in northern Ethiopia has not been effectively resolved, and it has worsened recently, and government forces have even dispatched drones, combat helicopters and other heavy weapons, and launched a number of attacks without success.

Due to the war and exchange rate problems, local prices in Ethiopia are rising seriously, although Ethiopia issued new rules earlier to limit the difference between the buying price and the selling price of foreign exchange trading to 2%. However, the exchange rate is still falling, and many people believe that Ethiopia is not yet stable and will depreciate further. As a result, local prices are only rising, leading to rising costs for growing coffee. According to the latest minimum price of coffee released by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Administration, the price of coffee has been raised by 0.5%.

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