Coffee review

"Le Coffee" helps disabled people to find employment

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In the third season of "Community Heroes" broadcast by the 12 Central TV stations a few days ago, public welfare workers from Wuxi accepted the challenge of community heroes and used seven days to mobilize thousands of volunteers to perform a grand dance of thousands of people. This public welfare person is Wang Wen, secretary-general of Wuxi Lingshan Charitable Foundation, and he is the sponsor of the Le Coffee charity project. Le Coffee is committed to

In the third season of "Community Heroes" broadcast by 12 Central TV stations a few days ago, public welfare workers from Wuxi accepted the challenge of "Community Heroes" and used seven days to mobilize thousands of volunteers to perform a grand dance of thousands of people.

This public welfare person is Wang Wen, secretary-general of Wuxi Lingshan Charitable Foundation, and he is the sponsor of the "Le Coffee" public welfare project. "Le Coffee" is committed to helping people with disabilities to work and live with dignity. It is a social enterprise. All employees of Le Coffee are friends with hearing impairment. The challenge of "Community Hero" can raise 100000 yuan for the foundation's Le Coffee public welfare project, which will enable Le Cafe to provide fair jobs for more people with disabilities.