Coffee review

The first British COSTA coffee shop in Qingdao opened 10 stores in May 4th Square within three years of opening.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, British coffee giant Kashijia stationed in the island city of Starbucks, Pacific, 85C Qingdao style coffee taste is becoming more and more international. It is optimistic about this market. British COSTA Coffee, one of the five largest coffee chains in the world, recently opened gracefully in the May 4th Square in the island city. Zhao Junhui, regional manager of Hualian Kashijia (Beijing) Restaurant Management Co., Ltd., told reporters: coffee in mainland China.

British coffee giant Costa Rica enters the island city

Starbucks, Pacific Ocean, 85 degrees C... Qingdao character coffee tastes more and more international. It is optimistic about this market, one of the world's top five coffee chain brands British COSTA coffee, recently opened elegantly in the island city May 4th Square. Zhao Junhui, regional manager of Hualian Coffee Family (Beijing) Catering Management Co., Ltd., told reporters: "The coffee market in mainland China is on the rise. Although Qingdao market is mainly surrounded by Starbucks and Pacific Coffee at present, COSTA will bring another consumption experience to island consumers through its own unique coffee quality and consumption environment, and plans to open 10 stores in Qingdao within three years."

Brand dispute COSTA optimistic about Qingdao market

"The coffee market in mainland China is in an upward range." Industry insiders said. A few years ago, Starbucks took the lead in opening Qingdao's first coffee store in Sunshine Department Store. It was popular with consumers when it tried cattle knives in the island city. After several years of precipitation, Qingdao's coffee market also entered a period of vigorous development in 2011. Pacific Coffee has opened 9 stores in Qingdao and Yantai within one year. In July this year, Taiwan coffee brand 85 ° C opened two stores in Qingdao at the same time.

Different from the American coffee culture represented by Starbucks, the pioneer of the Chinese market, COAST coffee originates from Italian style and has a strong European aristocratic flavor, so it is positioned slightly higher than Starbucks. In addition, COAST coffee is different from Starbucks and other coffee chain brands advocated by the "global chain standardization", COAST coffee for different countries and regions coffee style and local taste and aesthetic, according to local conditions, its service is more humanized. According to Zhao Junhui, COAST Coffee will open at least 300 stores in China in the next few years. In Shandong region, COAST chose Qingdao as the first stop to enter Shandong, focusing on the fashion sensitivity of the island city citizens, their ability to accept new things, and the huge consumption potential contained therein. In 2013, COAST will also open new stores in Jinan. It is expected that there will be more than ten stores in the two cities. On this basis, COAST Coffee will also expand to Yantai, Weihai and other cities.

Defining Style and Creating Urban Coffee Culture

The reporter saw in COAST coffee shop, the store to "calm" red mainly hit, a door let people have a warm feeling. Courtesy and appropriate waiters will guide consumers to the desired location, order a cup of rich and fragrant drinks, and then you can "bury" yourself in the spacious and comfortable sofa of COAST Coffee Shop and slowly taste the rare comfort! Of course, the aroma of coffee produced during the production process, the hissing sound of milk foam, the collision sound of brewing equipment, etc. are all difficult to replicate elegance. Sitting by the window, looking at the scenery, chatting with friends, enjoying a cup of mellow coffee lazily in the happy afternoon tea time, is quite a pleasant thing.

COAST Coffee has more than 30 years of Italian tradition, perfection and quality coffee craftsmanship. The coffee beans used are imported from nine countries rich in coffee beans such as South America, East Africa and Asia. All COAST coffee beans are slowly roasted at low temperature for 22 minutes. Coffee beans roasted this way release more of the coffee's natural aroma and taste more mellow than coffee beans roasted in the normal way. In all COAST coffee shops, have their own professional barista, received COAST coffee Italian professional training, in the field will see barista with Italian enthusiasm brewing pure Italian coffee.

COAST Coffee Brand History

In 1971, two Italian brothers Ser. gio Coast Coffee and Bruno Coast Coffee started a wholesale coffee business, supplying roasted coffee beans to restaurants and Italian coffee specialty stores. With their Italian background and Sergio's experience of blending and roasting coffee beans in Parma, Italy, the Coast Coffee Brothers have gradually established their unique style of roasting coffee beans. They roast coffee beans slowly at low temperatures to make coffee taste stronger and taste less bitter. Coast Coffee Brothers also blended Arabica and Robusta coffee beans in a ratio of 6:1 to develop a unique Italian espresso that only Coast coffee has. Both this unique way of roasting coffee beans and Mocha Italia, a special blend of coffee recipes, have been used to this day and have become the mainstay of Coast coffee business.

Coast Coffee now has more than 300 specialty coffee shops throughout the UK, with other retail outlets including Ottakers and Waterstones bookstores, WHSmith and Homebase stores and Marriott hotels. In the UK, Coast Coffee can be found on main streets, shopping malls, five-star hotels, office buildings, airports, subway stations...

(Editor: Leo)