Coffee review

Siphon pot coffee contest landed in the ice city of Harbin on the 28th.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A (Reporter Wang Xiaodingwen / Photo) on the 14th, the reporter learned from the Harbin Coffee Alliance that the third China Pu'er Coffee Cup World siphon Pot Competition will once again land in the ice city, and 12 skilled ice city baristas will enter the final of the siphon pot Harbin sub-competition on the 28th. It is understood that the third China Pu'er Coffee Cup World siphon Pot Competition was held in August this year.

A (Reporter Wang Xiaoding Wen / Photo) on the 14th, the reporter learned from the Harbin Coffee Alliance that the third "Chinese Pu'er Coffee Cup" World siphon Pot Competition will once again land in the ice city, and 12 skilled ice city baristas will enter the final of the siphon pot Harbin sub-competition on the 28th.

It is understood that the third "Chinese Pu'er Coffee Cup" World siphon Pot Competition was launched in Lanzhou in August this year, and has successfully held sub-competitions in Lanzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan, Taipei, Beijing and other cities. The top three contestants in each division will represent each division to participate in the finals to be held in Pu'er, Yunnan in mid-January 2015.

Wang Xu, manager of the Northeast Company of Beijing Taigu Company, the organizer of the competition, said that in last year's competition, contestants used siphon pots to make coffee and make creative coffee. Zhu Min, general manager of Heilongjiang back window Coffee chain Management Co., Ltd., who served as a judge last year, said: "people in Bingcheng love coffee and study coffee, which has also promoted the development of domestic coffee culture."

Siphon kettle

Although the siphon pot has the nickname of "plug wind type", it has nothing to do with the siphon principle, but uses water to heat up and contract, pushing the hot water from the lower sphere to the upper pot, and then sucking back the water from the upper pot after the lower pot cools.