Coffee review

Jawbone launches new apps to help users kick caffeine addiction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Caffeine is a terrible part of people's daily life. Drinking two cups of coffee every morning can lead to addiction, as do many people.


Caffeine is a terrible part of people's daily life. Drinking two cups of coffee every morning can lead to addiction, as do many people. Only when there is caffeine in the blood can we stay alive. Or at least we think so. Jawbone's latest smartphone app will help monitor and understand users' caffeine intake. You know, it's a scientific tool.

The free iOS app, called Up Coffee, helps users record their consumption of caffeinated drinks. Jawbone says these include tea, coffee and energy drinks. After entering this information, the app will show when the user's body can move from excited to ready to sleep.

Do we need an app to tell us when to sleep? Maybe so.

Jawbone tracks data from 1600 Jawbone UP bracelets. According to a study of 5000 nights of sleep, Jawbone found that when someone sleeps for seven hours, they are more likely to report feeling good, focused, productive and attractive.

Everyone wants to be more attractive.

Separate UP Coffee applications do not require users to use Jawbone UP bracelets. The app itself can tell users that they are drinking too much coffee. However, users of Jawbone UP and UP24 bracelets will have access to some predictive data.

UP Coffee tracks caffeine, while Jawbone UP tracks sleep. After 10 days of use, the UP Coffee app will show how much sleep will be delayed by 100mg of caffeine. Is it worth drinking coffee in the afternoon? Maybe, because caffeine is great.