Coffee review

Caffeinated functional drinks are not suitable for students and children

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinks containing caffeine are not suitable for children. Functional drinks often contain a variety of food additives, drinking too much, but will bring additional burden to the body.

Drink Red Bull when you are thirsty, sleepy, and drink Red Bull even more when you are tired! " Red Bull, which has always boasted of replenishing energy, is now in trouble because it has been revealed that it is "suspected of illegal use of additives". The incident has aroused widespread concern, although the results of the investigation have not yet been released, but related products have been removed from the shelves in some areas. Red Bull said there was no illegal use of additives.

Yesterday, Jinhua resident Yang Fangming called the Jinhua Evening News News Hotline 96356, saying that when he was taking his children to and from school, he found that many children now like to drink energy drinks, which he thinks may be harmful to their children's health.

Other functional drinks in the supermarket are not easy to sell.

It is reported that the Harbin Food and Drug Administration has sent the sampled samples to the testing institutions. The relevant person in charge of the bureau said that under normal circumstances, the testing agency will issue the test results within half a month.

It is understood that affected by the "additive" storm, Red Bull in some supermarkets in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other places began to take off their shelves. Yesterday morning, the reporter visited several large supermarkets in Jinhua and found that in addition to Century Lianhua has removed Red Bull products from the shelves on the 11th, most large supermarkets can still see Red Bull drinks on sale.

"this is not the peak season for beverage sales. As soon as this happens, other functional drinks are even more difficult to sell." A supermarket worker said.

The people who come to buy are all young people.

At present, there is a dazzling variety of so-called energy drinks on the market, with eye-catching colors, gorgeous names and nutrients ranging from vitamins to ginseng. That sounds really good! However, if you take a closer look at the instructions, you will find that they are all high in caffeine.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw in a snack bar in Nanyuan that there were five or six kinds of functional drinks in the fresh-keeping cabinet, which were basically bought by young people, including junior high school students and primary school students. "it's mainly because it tastes special!" A pupil said.

Children should stay away from energy drinks

"drinks containing caffeine are not suitable for children. Functional drinks often contain a variety of food additives, drinking too much, but will bring additional burden to the body. " Yang Zujun, director of the emergency department of the Municipal people's Hospital, said. In addition, functional drinks generally contain caffeine, if consumed too much, it may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, rapid heartbeat, nervous tension, restlessness and insomnia and other symptoms.

Yang Zujun said that some drinks not only can not quench thirst, but will aggravate the body's lack of water and cause thirst. For example, drinks that contain too much sugar, and orange juice and other juices that contain vitamins and inorganic salts. In addition, the artificial colors and preservatives contained in beverages can hinder children's growth and development, and drinking too much can lead to overweight or thin children and a variety of diseases.

"for the sake of children's health, parents should cultivate their children's correct drinking habits from an early age. For children, the best drink is actually plain boiled water. It can not only provide minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, but also sanitary, convenient and economical. " Yang Zujun said.

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