Coffee review

Listen to Chinese and foreign experts talk about science and technology in the cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A few days ago, the first science and technology cafe event in Jiaxing City was held in Jiangnan Moore Cafe on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Although Chinese and foreign experts talked about "smart plants", the humorous explanation made the biotechnology class easy to understand and applauded constantly.

Zhejiang online, March 31

Last night, the first science and technology cafe activity in Jiaxing this year was held in Jiangnan Moore Cafe on both sides of the strait. Although Chinese and foreign experts talked about "smart plants", involving quite professional content, the experts' vivid and humorous explanation made the biotechnology class easy to understand, and there was a lot of applause on the spot.

In the cafe.

Listen to Chinese and foreign experts talk about science and technology for free

It is very fashionable to drink coffee in a cafe to listen to Chinese and foreign experts impart scientific knowledge; it is very affordable to discuss scientific and technological issues with Chinese and foreign experts without spending money. Last night, in the cafe on both sides of Jiangnan Moore, many citizens who came to attend the class sat around the cafe, drinking coffee and chatting with Chinese and foreign experts on scientific and technological topics such as "smart plants". The atmosphere was very relaxed and felt very comfortable.

"as the topic was very professional and related to agriculture, at first I was worried that not many people were interested, but I didn't expect that there were a lot of people at the scene and there were not enough seats." A person in charge of the Municipal Association of Science and Technology said that citizens' enthusiasm for absorbing popular science knowledge is very high, small cafes are crowded with people, and some late citizens can only stand at the top of the stairs and listen in the aisles.

It is understood that from the several science and technology cafe activities that have been held, the activities are very popular with the public. In order to popularize popular science knowledge, improve the scientific literacy of citizens, and meet the needs of citizens, municipal science associations will often hold such activities in the future.

The topic is very close to life.

The public is very interested.

"Smart plants", as soon as they look at the title of the topic, many listeners are curious: can plants be as smart as people? In fact, the "intelligent plant" is more of a discovery.

Bamboo stretches toward the sky in order to get more sunshine; trumpet flowers coil their stems around plants taller than themselves; mimosa quickly closes its leaves in order to protect itself. Can you say that these plants are not smart?

According to Shou Huixia, a professor at Zhejiang University, people's attitudes towards "intelligent plants" are changing qualitatively, and the concept of wisdom is being extended to a wider range of life forms.

In yesterday's event, Chinese and foreign experts also talked with the public about genetically modified food, which also made the public at the scene very interested.

Genetically modified food refers to the food in which foreign genes are embedded in the species genome by genetic engineering technology. Professor Shou Huixia said that at present, the planting of genetically modified crops is very small, but genetically modified foods are very common in China, especially legume products, such as soy milk, tofu, soy sauce, soybean oil, and so on, most of which are genetically modified foods. because at present, there is a large demand gap for soybeans in China, and the raw materials of many soybean food processing and production enterprises are imported.

So, is GM food safe after all? Professor Shou Huixia believes that the GM foods currently on sale on the market are safe. after all, the listing of GM foods has to be verified by scientists for more than 10 years of safety experiments. including the impact on the species itself, the impact on the ecological environment, the impact on human health, and so on, so far, no safety problems have been found in GM food.

However, according to Dr. Sylvia Burssens, the issue of whether GM foods are safe is still controversial in academic circles. However, due to the lack of understanding of GM food, European citizens are not very welcome to GM food, and many European citizens generally choose non-GM food. Source Zhejiang online

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