Coffee review

Starbucks Hometown Coffee City "Romantic Capital" Seattle, USA

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Legend has it that there is a shepherd, accidentally found his sheep jumping, a closer look, the original sheep is eating a red fruit to lead to funny behavior strange, he tried to pick some of this red fruit back to boil, did not expect the room full of fragrance, boiled juice after drinking is more energetic, refreshing, from then on, coffee was born. Known as the romantic capital of Seattle, USA, no

It is said that there was a shepherd who accidentally found his sheep bouncing. Looking carefully, it turned out that the sheep had eaten a kind of red fruit that led to funny behavior. He tried to pick some of these red fruits to boil, but he did not expect that the room was full of fragrance. After drinking the juice, it was even more refreshing and refreshing. From then on, coffee was born.

Seattle, known as the "capital of romance", is not only a green "emerald city", but also a city filled with the smell of coffee. Walking in the streets of Seattle in the early morning, students sitting on the floor nearby lay their books on their knees and held coffee in their hands. Office workers who are in a hurry will also hold a steaming cup of coffee in their hands, which is natural and comfortable. For Seattle people, coffee in hand has become a common symbol, and that's how the day begins. In the afternoon, wandering in the streets of Seattle in the lazy sun, whether it is a creative cafe or an open-air cafe, even the air of the city is forever filled with a touch of coffee fragrance, just like a lingering temptation to go into a coffee shop with clean windows and enjoy a refreshing cup of coffee. Feel the casual and indifferent coffee life in Seattle anytime and anywhere.

The origin of the coffee city

The United States is the coffee consumption kingdom, drinking an average of 400 million cups of coffee a day, worthy of the highest coffee consumption in the world, while Seattle, which has the largest coffee consumption in the United States, is the most representative city in American coffee culture. A scholar once talked about the relationship between Seattle and coffee: "if one day there is a lack of something called coffee beans in the world, I believe only Seattle people will feel at a loss as to what to do!" It can be said that coffee is absolutely essential in Seattle, just like cheese in France and kimchi in South Korea. The first thing the locals do when they get up in the morning is to have a cup of coffee. Not only that, people can be seen coming and going with steaming coffee at any time of the day. Even in the continuous rainy season, Seattle people would rather not use an umbrella to free up a cup of coffee and drink with them. Seattle loves and recognizes coffee even more than Americans love beer. There are clean cafes everywhere in Seattle, and as long as you are tired of walking, you can choose to sit down anywhere, have a rest and have a cup of coffee that really represents the taste of Seattle. Even some bars are proud of roasting the best coffee beans into top coffee with the best flavor and taste, rather than unique beer.

Some people say that because Seattle is a port city, all coffee beans from the far East are imported and landed here. Coffee, as a leisure drink, was quickly accepted by the local people, so they formed the habit of drinking coffee. Some people say that Seattle people like coffee, in large part because the city is rainy all year round, and people need to drink coffee to keep themselves happy. On a rainy day, holding a cup of steaming coffee and watching the drizzle dripping on the window, the warm and fragrant taste of coffee haunts my heart, making people deeply immersed in a warm and comfortable atmosphere, forgetting the haze of the sky. Others think that Seattle cafes are so popular because Seattle people live a leisurely and comfortable life. In your spare time, sit in a cafe on the street or on a street corner, order a cup of coffee, and talk to each other or daydream alone amid the intoxicating sound of music. In any case, it is an indisputable fact that Seattle people love coffee.

The hometown of Starbucks

Haruki Murakami once said: if a city is not willing to open a coffee shop, then no matter how rich the city is, it is just a city with an empty heart. There is no doubt that Seattle, which smells of coffee everywhere, will not be such a city. All kinds of coffee shops can be found on the streets of Seattle, and a Starbucks cafe can be found here even every half a block. Yes, this is the hometown of Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain, as well as its first store and headquarters. In 1971, two teachers and a writer founded the world's first Starbucks at 1912 Pike Place Market in Seattle, initially selling high-quality coffee beans and coffee equipment, and now it has become a world-renowned multinational coffee chain. Compared with the bustling Pike market, Starbucks' first store is an unremarkable old building, but it is not difficult to find it, because there is always a group of curious onlookers or waiting in line to buy coffee. Walking into the store, on the right front is a large bronze emblem marked "the first Starbucks store, built in 1971" (First Starbucks Store,Established 1971), conveying the store's important identity and status. Over the years, the first Starbucks store has been renovated many times, in addition to a variety of impressive commemorative medals, and other Starbucks decoration is also very similar. But the mermaid logo still retains the original design-the brown double-tailed fish LOGO, rather than the usual iconic green mermaid, which is the only Starbucks coffee shop with this logo. Starbucks gets its name from Melville's book, Moby Dick, the first mate's name of Captain Ahab-Starbucks. Although Starbucks coffee is available all over the world, being able to sit in the first coffee shop in Pike Market has added a layer of historical significance. As the space in the store is not large, there is only a small amount of standing space, many people who have bought coffee can only take it with them, and the white-green mermaid paper cups in their hands silently show their love for Starbucks.


Name: the first Starbucks store (Original Starbucks)

Address: 1912 Pike St,Corner with 1st Avenue,Seattle,WA (Pike Place Market)

Starbucks, the world's largest coffee chain, is also headquartered in Seattle, and in the southwest corner of the city, near the seaside, there is a red-brick nine-story old building, above the central clock tower, on all sides stands a Starbucks iconic crowned mermaid LOGO, half smiling, overlooking Starbucks coffee fans from around the world. On the left side of the gate is a Starbucks store with many Starbucks fans from all over the world. In fact, the coffee drunk here may be no different from that of Starbucks elsewhere, but people seem to fantasize about drinking the latest flavor of Starbucks coffee here. The reception hall of Starbucks headquarters is located on the eighth floor of the building. the whole reception hall is small, with a counter in the middle, sofas on the left, and a row of benches and benches against the wall. Everything looks so "simple" that it is hard to imagine that this is the Starbucks headquarters with nearly 17,000 stores around the world. Looking around, the story about Starbucks is like a long mural written directly on the white wall of the reception hall. From left to right, it begins with Starbucks' original brown mermaid with a crown, naked breasts and separate tails. At the end of the mural is the latest Starbucks icon in 2011, which says that Starbucks now has 137000 partners and 16858 coffee shops around the world. There is also a gift shop next to the reception hall full of coffee pots, coffee cups, T-shirts, signature pens, refrigerator stickers and key chains emblazoned with Starbucks' latest LOGO, which is absolutely irresistible to Starbucks coffee fans. Looking at the dazzling array of souvenirs, one can't help but admire the coffee kingdom that is popular all over the world. In Seattle, a place that does not produce coffee at all, Starbucks has created a unique cultural experience world, allowing the world to have a warm and comfortable "third space" in addition to the workplace and living place. The latte here once provided warmth for the hungry Seattle people who suffered from the cold sea breeze in winter, and because of its success, it infiltrated this warm and pure taste into the more neutral and untapped coffee market, enabling Starbucks to sweep the world and bring the spiritual symbol of Seattle coffee to all parts of the world.


Name: Starbucks headquarters (Starbucks Center)

Address: 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle,WA

Fashion Cafe

Cafes in Seattle are like teahouses in China. In this often rainy city, people seem to prefer to go to cafes to talk to friends, communicate with customers, or stay with lovers, friends and family, where they read books, play games, carry computers to work, or rest and relax. Coffee shop, like a synonym for Seattle, represents the unique romantic feelings and ideal living conditions of Seattle people. A cup of coffee, a newspaper, a magazine, a soothing music, can not only wake up, dispel cold and dampness, but also bring people a happy mood. Cafes have become an important part of Seattle's daily life.

In addition to the famous Starbucks coffee chain, Seattle also has four major coffee chains, including Espresso Vivace?, Seattle Gourmet Coffee (The Seattle's Best Coffee) and Tarly Coffee (Tully's Coffe). Most of these chain coffee shops implement large-scale operation and unified management, and the rich and mellow coffee flavor is the magic weapon to win the game. However, in Seattle, the coffee capital, there are many unique independent coffee shops in many alleys. Most of these specialty coffee shops do not lie in the taste of the coffee, but in the distinctive store decoration and the Ford atmosphere created. Perhaps it is these little-known specialty coffee shops that make Seattle's coffee culture permeate the city.

Espresso Vivace Roasteria, located near Capitol Hill (Capitol Hill), has inherited coffee as an art since 1988 and has hired baristas to make people cups of artistic lattes. Latte is a classic blend of Italian espresso and milk. Latte is a classic blend of Italian espresso and milk. When milk and coffee meet at the first time, they collide with an unforgettable taste. Not only that, the artistic sense of latte coffee also brings people a day of leisure and a good mood. Here, people wait in long queues for a beautiful espresso.