Coffee review

Starbucks sells moon cakes and pushes barista door-to-door service

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This year, Starbucks launched three combinations of Starbucks Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake gift boxes, with prices slightly higher than last year. However, compared with mooncake gift boxes with special flavors, a limited number of gift services will be launched this year. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, after buying this package moon cake gift certificate, consumers can not only exchange moon cake gift boxes, but also make an appointment with Starbucks coffee masters for you to drink coffee and taste at the same time.

This year, Starbucks'"Xingyue" Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake gift box launched three combinations, with prices slightly higher than last year. However, compared with mooncake gift boxes with distinctive flavors, a limited number of "gift" services will be launched this year. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, after buying this package moon cake gift certificate, consumers can not only exchange moon cake gift boxes, but also make an appointment with Starbucks coffee masters for you to drink coffee and taste moon cakes at the same time. It is reported that the event will last from September 6 to 30.

(responsible Editor: Leo)