Coffee review

Can girls drink coffee during their menstruation?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is one of the necessary drinks for many women, because it can refresh themselves and help them deal with fatigue. However, due to the particularity of the menstrual period, can women drink coffee during the menstrual period? During menstruation, what problems should women pay attention to in terms of diet? During menstruation, women can drink a small amount of coffee during menstruation. During menstruation, the internal environment of the body will change to a certain extent.

Coffee is one of the necessary drinks for many women, because it can refresh themselves and help them deal with fatigue. However, due to the particularity of the menstrual period, can women drink coffee during the menstrual period? During menstruation, what problems should women pay attention to in terms of diet?

During menstruation, women can drink a small amount of coffee

When menstruation comes, the internal environment of the body will change to a certain extent, and drinking a small amount of coffee can relieve the girl's discomfort during menstruation. At this time, because caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system and muscles, it can cheer up, enhance thinking ability, restore muscle fatigue, improve heart function, dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation.

Women can't drink too much coffee during menstruation.

During premenstruation and menstruation, drinking too much coffee can cause breast pain, anxiety, irritability and emotional instability, as well as deplete vitamin B stored in the body and damage carbohydrate metabolism. This is because coffee contains caffeine, which is an irritant and can easily stimulate nerves and cardiovascular systems, resulting in menstrual pain, prolonged menstruation and menorrhagia.

Drinking more coffee during the menstrual period will also increase the female hormones in the body, aggravate some gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, breast swelling, and even affect fertility. Drinking coffee during menstruation will not only significantly increase the body's female hormones, but also affect the number of eggs in the ovaries, aging the ovaries, and accelerate the aging of all functions of the body.

Under what circumstances can women not drink coffee

During these special periods of menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, women need to quit coffee. The excitement of coffee to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system can lead to excessive menstruation, pain and increased risk of miscarriage. In addition, women with weak gastrointestinal function drink coffee according to their own conditions, especially do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, because coffee has a certain stimulating effect on the stomach and intestines, and there will be diarrhea and stomachache.

During the menstrual period, female friends should pay attention to the following dietary taboos:

1. Eat less spicy food

Spicy food such as cinnamon, pepper, cloves, pepper, etc., will have irritating food, should not be eaten during menstruation. At this time, because these foods can activate blood, it is easy to cause dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and other symptoms. Therefore, friends who like to eat boiled fish and spicy saucepans should bear it.

2. Eat less cold food

During menstruation, women should eat less cold food. Because these foods can clear heat and detoxification, nourish yin and reduce fire, such as pears, bananas, watermelons, balsam pear and so on, otherwise it will easily lead to dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and other symptoms.