Coffee review

Review of 2015 GCEF Coffee Industry Elite Forum in Greater China

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Review of 2015 GCEF Coffee Industry Elite Forum in Greater China on March 28, 2015, the coffee professional forum Greater China Coffee Industry Elite Forum (hereinafter referred to as GCEF) was successfully held at Fangcao Gallery with the theme of coffee cups in Chinese life. As the rapid development of coffee in 2015, we are delighted

2015 GCEF Coffee Industry Elite Forum Greater China Review

On March 28, 2015, the coffee professional forum "Greater China Coffee Elite Forum"(hereinafter referred to as GCEF) was successfully held in Fangcaodi Gallery. The theme of this forum was "Coffee Cup in China·Life". As coffee grows rapidly in 2015, we are pleased to see more coffee industry efforts to narrow the distance between coffee and life.

Everything is ready! Large scenes

At 9:30 a.m., forum guests entered one after another

A scene where big names gather

It's a coffee party, and it's a time for old friends.

2014WBC champion Hidenori and Camilo Merizalde, owner of Santo Ario Estate in Colombia, chatted as soon as they met. Hide, who pays attention to the planting culture behind coffee, was naturally happy.

All major functional areas are also ready, professional!

The opening dance in a coffee cup kicked off the forum.

The "Four Heavenly Kings" appeared together, and the most handsome coffee host male group was born.

A total of 4 speakers were invited to share their views on the coffee cup in life. Everyone expressed their opinions, relaxed, humorous and professional sharing method led to a burst of praise from the audience.

First on stage was Mr. Peng Jinshan, chief consultant of Xinmei Group. He introduced the coffee movie "The 36th Story" as the trend of modern cafe management.

The second sharer is the familiar "bean hunter" Xu Baolin teacher, he thinks that the most interesting way to bring coffee is to let coffee drinkers experience different flavors and finally find their own cup. It would be best if we could experience it in the country of origin. The witty expression made the audience laugh.

Halftime is a good time to make friends.

The first person in the second half was Chairman Li Hongli, the founder of Love Time Coffee. He showed a way for many people to set foot on coffee. But it was these factors and his curiosity that inspired him to make the coffee that Chinese love. Simplicity can be popularized, and quality is more important.

The last sharer is Mr. Wu Mingdu, General Manager of Eslite Life Hospitality Business Group. Mr. Wu, who has experienced all kinds of storms in the business world, exudes an indifferent and elegant temperament. He hopes to bring "the idea of bringing good things to life" through the brand. Eslite is a service industry, in order to pursue quality, will tell customers "how to enjoy a good cup of coffee" with the best posture. In 2015, Eslite will be settled in Shanghai Center, which is really expected.

At the end of the wonderful topic sharing, the Work Shop, which can get close to the masters, is in full swing again. There are four exhibition areas, namely:

1)Hidenori-Coffee Closes Heart to Heart

2)Wang Shiru, Liu Bangyu_Become the top barista, the road to the cup test champion

3)Lin Dongyuan_Creative Coffee in Life

4)Wengmingxiang, Camilo--Colombia Fine Coffee Discussion: Leading Coffee Planting Technology in the World

At Hidenori's Work Shop, he tells friends stories about the growers behind coffee. 4 hours 2 kg coffee fruit picking, the final selection of about 10% of the fine to achieve a good cup of coffee. Therefore, today's barista's role is not only to make coffee professionally, but also to bring coffee stories to customers.

GABEE has been established for more than ten years, and Lin Dongyuan has never stopped on the road of creativity. This time, he brought his new work Lavender Sky to show his friends how to make creative coffee. Here, we found that everyone can make a good coffee drink.

Wang Shiru, representing red, and Liu Bangyu's cup test sharing meeting

Experience the cup test yourself and feel the different flavors.

Shoucheng Coffee and Camilo Colombia famous estate owner Workshop, it is said that their estate is sponsoring Matt Perger2013 competition beans, this year's Australian contestants are also supported by this estate. Camilo shared with you the cup test from Colombia Ario and also shared in detail the whole process of coffee processing from green beans to cooked beans. Anderson also acted as a translator for everyone.

Accompanied by a melodious music, Lin Dongyuan teacher uses his voice to interpret the coffee world, coffee people are busy, coffee people busy meaning is to provide urban people leisure rest harbor, the guests performing on the stage once again with action to tell us, they not only focus on the coffee world, but also love all the beautiful things closely related to life, coffee is a way to love life!

The Chopsticks Brothers temporary male band gave us a wonderful concert. Afternoon forum continues

The afternoon session was devoted mainly to thematic forums. Special guests included Michael Yung, Chairman of WCE, Ms. Pan Haiye, Founder of Dazheng Group, Mr. Wang Jun of Collin Coffee, Mr. Wu Mingdu of Eslite Life Restaurant, Mr. Dou Shu, Head of Bean Uncle Roasting Workshop, and Mr. Xu Baolin, Founder of Ou She Coffee, who shared their views on several issues of common concern about the Chinese coffee market.

As the only woman in this sharing guest, Pan of Dazheng Coffee shared the coffee management way with everyone,"Service is a kind of business way, how to impress consumers, how to move the team personnel is very important", the host concluded: "Business way has skill, integrity is gold!"

WCE Chairman Michael Yung has spent relatively little time in China, but he feels that the Chinese market has changed in recent years, coffee has not yet become a daily habit like Europe and the United States…In the future, coffee lifestyle needs to be transformed to provide products closer to consumers.

Eslite Wu always thinks: coffee is invisible, it is everywhere, when coffee becomes an important part of our life, if we run a cafe, we must create our own characteristics, the atmosphere of the environment is very important, sometimes decoration does not have to spend a lot of money, a little adjustment is good, the environment is the first to let people have a window to consume desire, and then the quality of the product is also very important!

Speaking of market woes,

Uncle Bean's "grievance" really amused everyone: "When sharing Kenya SL28 sensory flavor with instant friends, I was so eloquent, he was so helpless, and I was so innocent!" This does point to a phenomenon, often some of the professional explanation in the ordinary coffee lovers seem to be useless.

Michael Yung said, just like different coffee acidity is different, different people try to have different feelings, coffee operators should try to meet customer needs. "In China, whether it's chain coffee, capsule coffee or freshly ground coffee, let consumers never drink coffee to accept coffee is what we have to work hard to do!" Therefore, coffee people should be simple, so that an instant drinker can simply understand the coffee story, thus transforming into a coffee drinker, which is a great thing.

As for the emergence of more and more cafes in China, and the phenomenon of younger and younger, Xu said frankly, in fact, do not want to hit the confidence of young people, but because of a moment of hot mind to open a shop recklessly, that is not desirable. Since Teacher Xu started running the cafe, he had also stumbled. Someone described him as saying: "You are stupid, certainly not the most profitable person; but you know how to share, certainly not the worst business person."

Xu also said that there is a very interesting phenomenon in China's coffee market at present. The first wave, the second wave and the third wave of fine coffee consumers coexist and continue to grow. What are the future market trends? Joe's example is interesting. Coexistence is feasible. Coca-Cola's internal market research evaluates competitors in the same industry: What percentage of different types of liquids does a person's body receive in a day? Water, milk tea, soup, Coca Cola, wine, coffee, drinks…some people have it. Such an attitude is respectful to competitors.

Next up is the audience question:

Q: Is it profitable to open a coffee shop in China?

A: Pan always gave a very positive answer: earn! But only if you find the right profit point for the market, whether it's bundling coffee with derivatives like cakes or environments, or something else, but you have to find it.

Q: Is hosting so many coffee competitions a way for cafes to make money?

Speaking of this, I have to talk about WCE (World Coffee Event) competition, Michael's answer professional and macro, since the establishment of WEC in 2009, the competition system should be different countries of the market feedback and modify the rules, in order to provide professional coffee people with a platform to show themselves. The international effect is that after these champions get a good ranking, the local media immediately rush to report after returning home, causing the public to pay more attention to the coffee industry. This is the so-called "experts watch the door, laymen watch the excitement". Next, WBC will also start to fight for live TV broadcasts in individual countries. Good news!

Under the atmosphere of gathering firewood and brainstorming, it may not be difficult to let coffee return to life, closer to the general public, and promote the overall development and progress of China's coffee industry.

At the end of the event, the organizer has ulterior motives to prepare exquisite commemorative gifts for everyone. The world of coffee is integrated into this small box. It is concentrated like a cup of espresso. Thank you again for participating in the forum today!

So, the forum ended successfully, we will see you next year!

Source: CTI Coffee Magazine