Coffee review

What is the role of coffee in the operation of cafes?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a long-standing and dialectical topic, that is, whether coffee in cafes is something that operators should pay attention to. However, this topic is limited and even incomplete in China. Because on the surface, most of the items on Dianping and Dianping have nothing to do with coffee in cafes; moreover, not to mention customers, many operators always believe in coffee.

There is a long-standing and dialectical topic, that is, whether coffee in cafes is something that operators should pay attention to.

However, this topic is limited and even incomplete in China. Because on the face of it, most of the items on Dianping and Dianping have nothing to do with coffee in cafes; moreover, not to mention customers, many operators always believe that coffee in cafes will be the same because of national conditions. In the end, the three-year survival rate of less than 30% makes the coffee shop operators full of tragedy, and survive, making cafes that produce first-hand dishes more realistic. More indifferent to the coffee in the cafe, which has nothing to do with the extraction rate, and the so-called boutique coffee beans.

I don't have a coffee shop. I can't stand in a high position and tell the public the importance of coffee in cafes. I want to get rich, find good ingredients and use good beans. Because many domestic conditions do not allow, many members of the public and even baristas have no idea of the quality of coffee in cafes. In addition, the conclusion that "Chinese people have no habit of drinking coffee" is like an iron rule for anyone to participate in coffee.

But what I can do is to choose a coffee shop that does not have its own baking facility and still cooks, but strives to make coffee to give you some options that may be referenced in operation. And its core is the heart that loves coffee. Otherwise, it would be futile to call Dead Man Espresso a cafe.

In the early days of its establishment, Dead Man Espresso walked two parallel lines in food and coffee. The hostess Kylie is in charge of the food, while the male host Luke is conscientious about coffee. But a common feature is to strive for excellence in the resources they have.

The blackboard tells you that the main match is Seven Seeds. The matching and seasonal hand flushing of "cameo" is Market Lane.

Of course, it is good to have the resources and the conditions to bake at home. But in the early stages of starting a business, choosing a boutique bakery is an energy-saving way. In order to better ensure the quality of their own coffee, they chose Seven Seeds and Market Lane, which were not yet large-scale at the beginning.

Of course, in order to ensure the stability of the coffee produced in their own cafe, they chose the same machine as Seven Seeds at that time, Synesso Cyncra.

"I'm familiar with Seven Seeds, but I find that the coffee made in your cafe tastes different from their own," I asked Kelly. In fact, their mixed milk has better cappuccino and lattes than Seven Seeds.

"Umm, we actually put a lot of thought into it. Because we don't want to feel like another Seven Seeds. Every time we get a new mix of beans, we will do our own experiments with different amount of powder and degree of grinding. We taste it ourselves. " Kelly

Take-out packing of Market Lane

Home packing is actually a blend of Seven Seeds beans.

"I guess so. I think you used a little more powder than they did. It's more ingenious to mix milk this way, "I said.

"Yes, we feel better this way," Kelly said.

"so, you have your own way of making it, and you won't exactly follow their suggestion to cook it?"

"We have all tried in a variety of ways, but I would like to emphasize that we are not working behind closed doors, we have to be different for different reasons. Just find the flavor we like in the big frame. "

Powder in the same way as I do. Fix, knock.

Extract, the small cup is naturally raised in order to maximize the preservation of grease.

Espresso production is complete.

As the interview is in the relatively less busy afternoon, but there are still customers continue to order coffee. Therefore, our conversation was communicated in the course of his work. In fact, I prefer this, not to make me a drink and a drink, to keep normal, more can give a real.

The way I used to pull flowers, Kelly didn't have any intention. That's how he used to make it.

"do many people drink with their hands?"

"of course there's not as much coffee as Espresso-based coffee, but it's starting to increase," said Kelly, serving coffee to customers. "Let's just drink and make it together."

"well, I made Market Lane's Rwanda at home myself. It can be compared. "naturally, I said yes.

Kelly, like me, filters the smell of paper first.

Then it was very different. He stirred the coffee powder a little during the steaming process and at the end of the water injection process. This method is somewhat similar to the method of siphon, which is aimed at uniform extraction.

They chose a different cup from espresso and, like me, without preheating.

I really like this kind of cup.

"gouache ratio?"

"by comparison, we prefer this 13g to 175g water in 2 minutes-2 minutes and 30 seconds."

Unlike what I made myself, Kelly is thicker than I am, more like the black tea described by Market Lane. But I made it myself, it's softer than it is. Because I always think that the so-called black tea feeling is actually an euphemism for coffee not supple. But here, I am not going to compare the advantages and disadvantages. Because this kind of dialogue can be carried out, everyone has done their homework.

"so how much do you have in a day?" I asked him

"it's hard to say, but there are still 45-50kg coffee beans a week." Kelly is not "much" compared to Proud Mary.

"about 7kg a day, that's about 550cups a day," isn't it?

"on average, we are about two baristas when we are busiest. You know, when 100 cups go up an hour in the morning, there is a trade-off between quality and speed. Sometimes we just have to stop making powder. But if there is an obvious problem with the flow rate of the coffee produced in the cafe, we will certainly pour it out and redo it.

The grinder of Ditting is responsible for the hand punching and the grinding of the bag.

Although Melbourne is the capital of coffee, what should be popular is still popular. They will introduce the taste of hand flushing on the hand flushing table.

"is there a lot of this?" I know that Robur is not very reliable sometimes. "it happens occasionally, not very little." But this is also the result of the trade-off. "Kelly is honest. It also means that they need to repeat it several times.

"but you know, during the busiest hours of the morning, attention is highly concentrated. One person is responsible for the extraction, the other is responsible for milking, and the extractor completes the task at hand first, and then pours the milk together with the milker. Do you know? At this time, I am most afraid of people ordering coffee, because it means I have to leave the espresso machine bar. In these four minutes, there will certainly be long queues. "

The overall bar, if you see my previous bar design diary will have a certain concept of extraction, to milking, the final product is from the middle to the left (facing the bar), the reason why there are so many milk tanks is that there is enough time to cool off the temperature of the milk tank. The milk is taken out directly from the refrigerator below, and the plates overlap, ready for production.

"700cups a day, about 8am-10:00 in the morning, it is estimated that 250 cups will be finished. To be able to guarantee such high quality at least shows that your efficiency is quite high. " I'm not flattering Kelly.

To achieve speed and quality assurance, what's more, different extraction schemes at different stages are not determined by the skills of a barista at Kelly, but by running-in for a long time and understanding of coffee. In addition, the rationality of the design of the overall bar itself reflects the coffee shop owner's understanding of coffee production and operation.

And Kelly, he is an excellent barista. The reason why I say this is not that he has a stable flower, nor that he knows the coffee products of his coffee shop like the back of his hand. In fact, he was not very clear about the concept of extraction rate and EBF, and judged and recorded it completely according to his own taste. My opponent only cared about the speed of the hand, and retained some opinions on the stability brought by the lack of weighing. But what you can see is that when he is willing to share with you, is willing to tell you what you know, what you don't know, and is willing to experiment immediately when there are different extraction schemes, I know very well that he is a real coffee controller. Dead Man espresso should be proud to have such an enthusiastic barista. But at the same time, the design, layout and operation of Dead Man Espresso are decided from the very beginning, and baristas like Kelly will work enthusiastically for it.

The coffee in the cafe has nothing to do with the equipment, the coffee beans, or even the coffee itself. Enthusiasm and dedication can make them go a long way.