Coffee review

The first espresso machine will be sent to space where astronauts can enjoy delicious coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The picture shows an espresso machine sent to the International Space Station. Reported that the coffee machine sent into space has a special design, manufacturers and machinery companies and Italian space agencies spent some research, the machine has been certified by NASA safety. NASA officials say it is heavy for astronauts to stay on the International Space Station for months, making them as comfortable as at home during the mission

The picture shows an espresso machine sent to the International Space Station.

Reported that the coffee machine sent into space has a special design, manufacturers and machinery companies and Italian space agencies spent some research, the machine has been certified by NASA safety.

NASA officials say it is important for astronauts to stay on the International Space Station for months, making them as comfortable as at home during the mission. Currently, astronauts on the International Space Station can only drink instant coffee.

Source: news Center-Technology Channel