Coffee review

6 Things Best Not to Do with Free Wifi in Cafes

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There isn't a cafe that doesn't offer wifi these days! I have to say that the free wifi is really a tool to attract a large group of laptop campers to spend money in the store. Campers are often seen ordering a cup of coffee and spending an afternoon with their laptops. However, many customers have low safety awareness and do not realize that electricity is used under free wifi.

Now there is no cafe that does not provide wifi! I have to say, the free wifi is indeed a powerful tool to attract a large number of laptop campers to the store. Campers are often seen ordering a cup of coffee and spending an afternoon with their laptops. However, many customers have low security awareness and do not realize that it is not safe to work on a computer under free wifi, and may inadvertently divulge some privacy. Here are 6 things you'd better not do in a free wifi in a cafe.

6. Do not use online banking

Free public wifi is the same as you park your car in the parking lot with the door open. You can imagine how unsafe it is. So don't use online banking when using free wifi in public places, because computer hackers are everywhere.

5. Be careful when logging on to social platforms such as Weibo and email.

This advice may sound alarmist, but at any time, your Weibo and Gmail are "open season" to some malicious cafe computer campers, so it's best to be careful.

4. If you are going to listen to music or watch video, please put on headphones

This is just the courtesy of ordinary people, and if you don't understand why you're doing this, you must be a sociopath.

3. Turn off the "sharing" setting on the computer

For Mac, it's very easy to share data to other identical devices, and many times you forget to turn off the sharing setting when using a computer in a public place. So some private documents on your computer, iTunes folders and even some of your hidden night videos may be shared on other people's computers. In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, please remember to turn off the sharing settings!

two。 Be polite when working in a cafe and don't overoccupy the desk.

This may not be a security risk, but if you occupy a table for four on a busy Monday and the table is cluttered with your papers, it's easy to contradict other customers who need it. So be careful.

1. Don't look at porn sites.

It doesn't seem good to watch pornographic web pages in a public place like a cafe, if other customers find out where your integrity is!

Source: Aijiahui