Coffee review

Chen Zhaohui: build 100 "Cloud Venture Coffee" in five years

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, A week before the opening of Cloud Venture Capital Coffee (Cloud Capital Coffee), Tian Mengyu, a graduate student at Bentley University who has studied finance in the United States for seven years, told Chen Zhaohui on Wechat that he had sold his car, booked an air ticket, and was ready to return home to join Chen Zhaohui's O2O career sequence. Of course, he hopes to focus on the business direction when he returns home.

A week before the opening of Cloud Venture Capital Coffee (Cloud Capital Coffee), Tian Mengyu, a graduate student at Bentley University who has studied finance in the United States for seven years, told Chen Zhaohui on Wechat that he had sold his car, booked an air ticket, and was ready to return home to join Chen Zhaohui's O2O career sequence. Of course, after returning home, he hopes to focus on the venture capital industry, which is closely related to the financial major.

Before that, Tian Mengyu planned his career like this: choose an investment bank to work as an analyst in the United States for two to three years, and then be promoted step by step to the position of manager, vice president and other middle-level cadres. in the United States, although it is difficult to enter the mainstream society, but at least maintain a decent Chinese middle class.

Such a life trajectory is a seemingly perfect choice for most graduate students studying finance abroad like him after graduation.

However, in the past six months, Tian Mengyu has become more and more aware of the crazy development of China's mobile Internet: various "Internet +" start-ups have frequently made great strides in the international capital market, and corporate financing news with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars is grabbing the headlines of major financial media every day, coupled with the guidance of the national entrepreneurship policy. As a result, mass entrepreneurship and innovation have set off a new round of upsurge in China. Subsequently, a variety of platforms for entrepreneurial institutions emerge one after another, and even giants like Microsoft shout slogans to serve Chinese start-ups. even threw 10 million yuan to win 3W coffee. online equity crowdfunding trading platform was launched, and the venture capital industry was in boundless glory.

Tian Mengyu, who has been immersed in Silicon Valley culture for seven years, is well aware of the huge business opportunities in this business revolution brought about by mobile Internet technology. Therefore, during the two months of cross-border communication with Chen Zhaohui, when he learned that the 3C cloud venture capital coffee that Chen Zhaohui often mentioned was finally going to settle in his hometown, Zhengzhou, he resolutely made the decision to return home.

3C Coffee era officially begins

Surrounded by more than 100 entrepreneurs and investors, Chen Zhaohui cut the ribbon of his own 3C Cloud Venture Coffee at the Harbor Riverside Commercial Street, the headquarters of CBD in Zhengzhou, on April 11, 2015. With the official opening of 3C coffee, the "Cloud Club O2O integrated cloud" plate in Chen Zhaohui's O2O business kingdom galaxy map has a real offline landing platform.

In the next five years, Chen Zhaohui and his team will replicate 100 3C coffees across the country to form a ground network, combined with the existing Skynet-O2O list venture capital website, as an online and offline landing platform, through various project roadshows, rapid co-investment, lead investment and investment, salon, training and other activities, activate and aggregate 50, 000 entrepreneurs with project trading ability or investment ability (1 coffee serves 500 entrepreneurs 100 Coffee serves 50,000 entrepreneurs), providing a steady stream of projects and capital to the entire "galaxy" platform of its O2O Kingdom.

Different from the first generation of venture capital coffee, Chen Chaohui's 3C venture capital coffee will pay more attention to the field of "Internet +" and help the mobile Internet in traditional industries. At the same time, the users of 3C coffee are no longer those entrepreneurs who have just started, but will pay more attention to those business people who already have a certain foundation in the industry, they have a team, contacts, experience, and a certain economic base. They hope that through the 3C coffee platform, they will be able to graft appropriate resources and capital for their new projects more quickly.

Hotel O2O project-- Yao Medical Health Culture Hotel

For example, in the project roadshow on the opening day of 3C Coffee, a hotel O2O project-Hotel Theme of Yao Medicine Health Preservation Culture, attracted wide attention of investors present. Founder Yang Xieming made great achievements in business long before he founded this project: he is the EMBA of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the former vice president of marketing of the new third board listed company, and the sponsor of Boao International Health Preservation Forum. he has successfully founded and participated in investing in 5 companies, and has very mature trading ability and huge entrepreneurial network resources.

Hotel Theme, the Yao doctor's health-preserving culture founded by Yang Qianming, is mainly to provide "hotel + health" service for high-end business people on a bad trip. As a businessman who often travels on the road, Yang Mian-Ming found that most of these business people face sub-health problems. They are tired from travel, tired from work, lack of sleep at night, and have no time to keep fit. And fast-paced work requires them to quickly recover their physical strength and maintain a good mental state. How can we meet the above needs of business people without spending extra time?

After half a year of investigation and visit, Yang Xianming and his R & D team of Jin Yao du Health Management Company found the natural advantages of traditional Yao medicine. Through various efforts, they introduced the essence of traditional Yao medicine into their health-preserving culture Hotel Theme in different ways. For example, when business guests check in to a hotel and wait for check-in, Yao doctors will visually inspect them, and then determine what kind of room they are suitable to stay in. The hotel will prepare suitable health rooms for guests according to their physique, which will include: sleep-improving Yao bath, all-natural bath lotion, high-quality drinking water, health tea, health medicine bag to optimize the room air, bedding for health preservation, of course, including timely meals for the four seasons.

In Yang Xieming's business plan, the hotel room will serve as the terminal experience center for Yao medicine health care products, and each experience product will have a QR code. If hotel guests want to buy it after experience, they can scan the QR code on the product and buy it at Yun Mall online. Yang Qianming plans to open 1000 of this kind of Hotel Theme across the country in three to five years. In his ultimate business model, his health hotel will gradually achieve free accommodation and eventually make money from the product.


Community O2O Project-Cloud Kitchen

Community O2O is an area that has been popular in the capital market in recent years. On the day of the roadshow, a community O2O project brought by President Chen, who has 10 years of experience in FMCG market operation, was named "Cloud Kitchen".

The "Cloud Kitchen" project will help community residents save money and make it easier to purchase kitchen necessities such as rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea. Take Yingying double low rapeseed oil as an example, supermarket sells 79 yuan,"cloud kitchen" sells 72 yuan, after ordering, by the community convenience store direct delivery, within 30 minutes can be delivered to the door.

This seems to be a community O2O project without much novelty, but because it cuts into the subdivision of kitchen materials such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, it is effectively separated from ordinary community O2O projects, has stronger operability, and the business model is clearly visible. There are three reasons why manufacturers, convenience stores and consumers find it difficult to refuse:

First, the traditional multi-layer dealer approach makes factory management more and more heavy. Help manufacturers innovate sales channels through cloud kitchen platform, flatten channels at the lowest cost, gain more profits, and master consumer big data.

Second, community convenience stores are already struggling to survive in the gap between supermarket and online shopping. Coupled with the increasing rent and meager profits, their profits are becoming more and more difficult. Cloud kitchen can help convenience store owners expand sales, increase freight revenue and earn more profits.

Third, for consumers, you can enjoy the shopping experience of "saving money and convenience", especially kitchen materials such as rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, which are large in size and heavy in weight. It is really no fun to go shopping in physical stores. By integrating the residual value of community convenience stores, such goods can be delivered to the home within 30 minutes, which will undoubtedly have a great value shopping experience for consumers.

At the same time, through the cloud kitchen App in-house social play module, it can also help community residents rebuild neighborhood culture and enhance user stickiness, which also makes a good foundation for the subsequent increase of profit points.

Vertical Recruitment Project--Diamond CFO

At present, there are thousands of recruitment websites of various sizes in China. Although the comprehensive recruitment websites represented by occupy most of the domestic online recruitment market, more and more vertical recruitment websites are threatening the monopoly position of the national comprehensive recruitment websites by virtue of their huge user groups and talent data reserves accumulated over a long period of time.

A vertical recruitment website focusing on Internet talents, Lagou. com, was launched in July 2013. Up to now, more than 20,000 Internet companies have stayed, including giant companies such as BAT and growth companies such as Xiaomi, covering many Internet segments such as mobile Internet, e-commerce, games, O2O, etc. In April 2014, Series A financing was USD 5 million, and Series B financing was USD 25 million in July. At present, the market valuation is RMB 800 million yuan.

Diamond CFO is a vertical recruitment project similar to Lagou. It is dedicated to solving the recruitment problem of high-end financial personnel for enterprises, especially when enterprises are facing the opportunity of the new three boards. Under the premise of standardized management of enterprises, the demand for financial management will be very large. Diamond CFO will help enterprises transform from "sales leader" to "financial leader" through the "financial solution +CFO cut-in" model.

By the end of 2015, the project is expected to serve 100 customers. According to the service fee of 100,000 yuan per customer, the cash flow will reach 10 million yuan. According to the gross profit of 50%, there will be 5 million yuan profit.

the power of the trend

Whether O2O or heavy vertical, these roadshow projects have one thing in common. Their operators come from traditional industries. Now they are eager to use mobile Internet to reduce intermediate links and shorten the distance between enterprises and users, so that enterprises can be in a more favorable position in the business value chain.

These savvy entrepreneurs from traditional industries increasingly realize that the reason why emerging Internet companies are developing well is that they directly build front-end business lines, know very clearly where their users are, and can interact with users at any time, so that users can always perceive their value. Most traditional manufacturing enterprises have back-end business lines, and there are layers of agents between them and consumers. They don't know who their users are, and they can't interact with users. It is difficult for consumers to directly perceive their value. In the long run, the result will eventually be the same as the traditional operators being subverted by WeChat. Although they can also earn traffic fees, consumers no longer use SMS, MMS, voice and other services provided by operators. Consumers cannot directly perceive their value and can only be reduced to traffic pipelines, which are increasingly marginalized in the commercial value chain.

If placed in a completely market-oriented competition, traditional enterprises will be very dangerous if they continue to stick to the old law and do not want to change. You think, if the product or industry that you have been profiting from suddenly becomes a free value-added service in the hands of others, such as the Yaoyi Health Hotel that Yang Shanming is operating mentioned above, they predict that the ultimate business model in the future is that the hotel is free and only needs to consume a certain amount of health products. This model can be quickly replicated in the whole country under the power of capital. If that day comes soon, how can traditional hotels of the same type compete? How to survive? That kind of subversion really could be instantaneous and devastating. Just like the sentence in "Three Bodies":"Destroying you has nothing to do with you." I didn't mean to destroy you, but I destroyed you. This is the power of trends.

As an important offline resource integration platform for Chen Chaohui's O2O business kingdom, 3C Venture Coffee will keep up with the trend and pay attention to these outstanding enterprises that are eager to carry out the "Internet +" transformation with its strong insight and platform power. It will absorb these excellent enterprises through the form of "Cloud Venture Club" and provide services for the Internet strategic upgrading of these enterprises. Of course, more, 3C coffee will spend a lot of energy to screen excellent "Internet +" projects, through the "professional investor led investment + ordinary investors with the investment" way, so that the cloud venture capital club entrepreneurs own high-quality projects can be quickly invested, but also more efficient and low-cost investment to other good projects, through the way of capital quickly and the new world to establish contact.

According to Chen Chaohui, an investor friend revealed that in the past year, he has invested in more than 10 new three board projects, at present there have been three more than six times, he is shocked by the current outbreak of Chinese business power. At a closed-door meeting after the project roadshow, he told members of the Cloud Venture Club that he had witnessed a company he invested in, from a loss of tens of millions to a value of 1 billion yuan, in just half a year. This is an age where miracles can be created at any time, provided that you have super insight, pulse of the times, and dare to think and dare to do it.

Therefore, looking at the trend, insight into the future, having the ability to judge the final situation in the next five or even ten years, and having a strong ability to integrate resources, this has become the primary gene that "Tian Mengyu" and those excellent entrepreneurs are willing to gather on Chen Chaohui's O2O business kingdom platform.

Chen Chaohui also firmly believes that future competition is more competition for resource integration. Who can own resources, consumers or users, wholeheartedly use these resources to provide services to users, who can be invincible in business. Therefore, as an important resource integration platform, Chen Chaohui believes that replicating 100 3C coffees nationwide in the next 5 years is a task he must complete!


About the cloud venture capital club, let's take a look at what entrepreneurs and investors say--

Internet economy is a new driving force for entrepreneurship

Tian Weidong, Dean of O2O Industrial Research Institute


After more than 30 years of development, China has entered an era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, marking that China has entered a new era of entrepreneurship, which is also advocated by the new government. With the advent of the Internet + era, the combination of various industries and Internet + will become unstoppable, the new economic era facing the industry has arrived, the Internet entrepreneurship era will open up new business models, and the combination of any industry and the Internet will create a new entrepreneurial point. Cloud Venture Capital Club uses big data and simulation mode as the combination point of venture capital investment. The significance lies in that it can enable people with ideas and people with funds to find a platform that can contact each other, and the closed loop of people, projects and funds can be realized here.

At present, in the education industry where I am located, from the requirements of the big times, people's learning has gradually shifted from the original skills and knowledge learning to the character and quality learning, from the original simple classroom learning mode to the new media represented by the Internet. The tools, methods and methods of learning have undergone tremendous changes, and the era of online education has arrived. The O2O model combines offline and online models, and learning will become a way of life, no longer limited by space and time.

The concept of mass entrepreneurship and innovation has spread in China. The driving force of the world Internet economy has changed from the single-wheel drive in the United States to the two-wheel drive in China and the United States. The Internet economy in the United States may be more limited to point-like areas like Silicon Valley, while in China, linear and flaky entrepreneurial waves have really been realized.

The establishment of Cloud Venture Capital Club will shoulder the responsibility of providing entrepreneurs with a full range of packaged support, so as to maximize the rights and interests of investors and entrepreneurs and realize a win-win situation.

O2O is the development direction of traditional industry

Zhang Jianguo, Chairman of Xuchang Yuanhua Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


In the era of rapid development of the Internet, if enterprises fail to keep up with the trend, they may be abandoned by the trend. The establishment of cloud venture capital club provides entrepreneurs with a platform to get in touch with the latest business model. The cloud venture capital club with accurate positioning of O2O represents a model for the development of traditional industries to emerging businesses. If enterprises are still limited to offline and their own way of fighting alone, they will fall into unforeseen difficulties in the development of the Internet. The establishment of Yunduan Venture Capital Club in Zhengzhou integrates the current advantages of Henan Province in the sources of funds, projects and talents, and will bring different support to entrepreneurs in Henan Province. The establishment of the club will enable many stakeholders to achieve good expectations and achieve win-win results.

Both start-up and mature enterprises may encounter all kinds of capital and management problems in the process of their development. the establishment of Cloud Club will bring Henan's venture capital market into a benign and standardized track. to provide a kind of sustainable development support for the development of enterprises. Positioning O2O is not only a trend or gimmick, but also a trend, which is not only the desire of traditional enterprises for the new business era, but also a direction that start-up enterprises must follow. The wind has changed, do we still have to stay where we are? Of course the answer is no! the venture capital of O2O is something to look forward to. (collated by Jiang Bao)

"Internet +" makes the impossible possible

Chen Guanghui, Managing Director of Hunan Yingcheng Oil Group


In 2014, I didn't really realize what the Internet meant. Now, the more I get involved, the more I realize that the Internet is our future, especially for traditional businesses. How do you grow fast? For example, I am a grain and oil maker. It may take ten or twenty years to make a relatively large plate. The profits are relatively small and the burden is very heavy. If we are allowed to achieve the scale of one or two billion yuan, it is simply an impossible task, but one thing can change it, that is, the Internet! I understand Premier Li Keqiang's "Internet +" in this way: Internet + capital + industry. "Internet +" is unstoppable, it can realize the dream of Chinese enterprises, and even the Chinese dream of the rise of China.

We built an e-commerce platform. We abandoned the layered distribution structure of the past and replaced it with direct online ordering by consumers and direct delivery to home by community store owners. In the past, if I wanted to make 1 billion yuan, it might take a lot of effort. Now, if there are 1 million people, each of whom uses 1000 yuan of products a year, this is 1 billion yuan of sales! This was unimaginable before.

The O2O venture capital platform is of greater significance to start-ups. Entrepreneurs have dreams. What they need most at this time is for others to make rational evaluations of you and avoid detours. When I started my business, there was no such platform. In 2005, I made a website similar to Meituan in Zhengzhou, but there was no such venture capital platform at that time, and I didn't know how to attract investment. As a result, the capital chain was broken. If there had been such a good platform at that time, I believe it would have been another scene! Of course, this platform can also help investors judge the prospects of the project, is a platform to judge the authenticity of the project.

Cloud O2O venture capital platform integrates a lot of resources to gather more people and capital. Venture capital circle is not short of concept, what is lacking is real people and business plans. I hope the cloud can gather more high-quality resources and make the venture capital business live!

In the clouds, realize everyone's dream, just like climbing to a high place to open a window, let the sun shine in, let the dream fly! (Bai Zhe collated)

Group investing is becoming a trend.

Yang Shanming, Chairman and CEO of Jinyaodu Health Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Compared with the individual angel investment model, group investment is becoming an important trend, cloud venture capital club is such a group investment organization. Compared with institutional investment, its advantage is that it has fewer cumbersome procedures and can evaluate projects more quickly, but compared with rigorous institutional investment, this platform requires higher personal industry quality of its members. For entrepreneurs, what he gets from this organization is not only the financial support, but also the wisdom support of many experienced winners, that is, they can not only get funds from here, but also get the guidance of entrepreneurial mentors. This is even more important for startups. Investors in the cloud venture capital club have rich experience and a wide range of resources. Everyone here is the experience of the projects they invest in, not only investors, consumers, but also their fans. As experienced people in the industry, they will spread their experiences to their fans and act as opinion leaders, so that the project can be "viral".

Compared with the previous forms of partnership investment in moments, the Cloud Venture Coffee Club has more projects and more standardized operation. Compared with crowdfunding models such as Renren Investment and Public Investment, cloud clubs focus on O2O, the most commercially valuable segment, which is more conducive to quickly becoming a benchmark in this field and occupying the first-mover advantage in the industry. Compared with the garage coffee model that provides office environment for entrepreneurs, cloud venture coffee is more of a platform for investors to gather together to evaluate and invest in start-up projects, which is a project roadshow and capital evaluation platform. (arranged by Wang Qiaozhen)

The "Cloud" in the eyes of investors

Tian Dongwu, an independent investor in financial institutions


Frankly speaking, cafes and clubs focusing on finance, entrepreneurship, investment and other areas have sprung up everywhere in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but this does not affect the value of cloud venture capital coffee at all, because there are not many professional venture capital platforms in O2O. At present, this is the first and only one in the Central Plains.

In 2015, China's running entered the O2O era, which coincided with the policy advocacy of "Internet +". The cloud venture capital club represents the trend, which itself is an unparalleled advantage.

I found that there are two "strange" phenomena in society: one is that investors can not find good projects. Fish and dragons mixed with a wide range of projects, investors are often in a tired state, to screen, filter, the efficiency is very low. Second, the entrepreneur can not find the right investor. Investors have met a lot, but few of them really understand entrepreneurs. Even if they meet the right person, they are likely to miss out because of their weak foundation and other disadvantages.

This is a pair of seemingly contradictory but real problems. From this point of view, the emergence of cloud venture capital coffee just solves the practical problems of these two sides: entrepreneurs and investors who understand O2O best are here, and the platform attracts capital pool and project pool, and docks and merges through the platform.

As an independent investor, why do I take a fancy to this platform and what resources can I get from it?

First, we can find a steady stream of new projects, new models, new ideas and new things here, so as to capture business opportunities and control the future and market.

Second, countless young and excellent entrepreneurial teams, entrepreneurs and leader fully show themselves on the cloud venture capital platform, and realize a series of upgrades such as project dissemination, financial guidance, access construction, capital docking and so on, so as to realize their due life value. This is what we would like to see.

Source: first Marketing Network author: Liu Shaohua